Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Recent Deadly Shootings

What do you think about the issues of gun control vs. the right to bear arms? Do you think more restrictions on guns would help prevent the kind of tragedies our nation witnessed in the past week?

In recent rampages, killers had permits for guns
Despite eight rampages that have killed 57 people in a month, state gun-control laws appear to be easing — not getting tougher.


Anonymous said...

I think that there should be more rules that are stricter on gun control. At this point anybody who wants to and has the money can easily get a gun. Even with all of the laws against it guns are still getting illegally trafficked in our society. We do have the right to bear arms but there needs to be more laws that prevent this right from going to far and becoming dangerous.

Alex Sinon current events 5

Anonymous said...

I think that there should be more gun control in our country. I understand that the bill of rights says that we have the right to bare arms and I get that, but there's no reason why you need an automatic rifle or machine gun for protection. If you owned a handgun you would still be able to injure someone and get away, you just wouldn’t be able to blow him or her to pieces, which isn’t necessary. I think if there were stricter laws on purchasing guns we wouldn't be having these problems. If there was a more controlled process for getting gun permits and a renewal phase I think that there would be a lot less guns being used in horrible ways. Now I’m not saying that that's going to fix the problem but it would at least be a step in the right direction.
Current Event 5

Anonymous said...

The bill of rights say that we have the right ot bare arms but eveyone who has a gun could injure someone. There should be more rules to be able to have a gun. Having more rules to have a gun could have less problems in our nation. Anyone with a gun know could easily hurt someone so it would be better to have more stricter rules that should be followed. Guns are useful when you really need it but people are using it to hust others. There should just be more rules on having a gun.

~Joanna Izazaga~
5th period
current event #5

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think more restrictions on guns would help prevent the kind of tragedies our nation witnessed in the past week. Not to disagree with the right that we have to bear arms, but I think that police/government officials should make a stronger effort to get illegally purchased guns off the streets. If you think about it most criminals don’t go to the gun shop, get a gun license, and take all the steps necessary to legally obtain one. It is much more convenient for a criminal (who probably couldn’t get one the legal way anyways) to buy one on the street. Also, who wants to be registered to the gun that they are about to do something illegal with? All that would do is get rid of the small chance they had of getting away with the crime. In other words, I don’t think that this issue is being affected by legal gun possessions at all. To start getting illegal guns off the street, I think that the punishment for being caught with an illegal firearm should become more severe and that more strict laws should be made in this area.

Current Events #5

Keegan Malmanger

Anonymous said...

I believe that there should be more gun control in our country. According to the bill of rights we have the right to bare arms. I think to be able to own a gun there should be more rules. It seems like it is too easy to get guns because criminals can buy them on the street easily. I think if there was a more severe punishment for having an illegal gun than less people would own them. There would also be fewer problems due to having stricter gun policies. I think there would be fewer shootings. Having stricter gun policies would make things more safe and crimes lower.
Spencer Truong
Period 5
current events #5

Anonymous said...

I believe that there should be more gun control in our country. According to the bill of rights we have the right to bare arms. I think to be able to own a gun there should be more rules. It seems like it is too easy to get guns because criminals can buy them on the street easily. I think if there was a more severe punishment for having an illegal gun than less people would own them. There would also be fewer problems due to having stricter gun policies. I think there would be fewer shootings. Having stricter gun policies would make things more safe and crimes lower.
Spencer Truong
Period 5
current events #5

Anonymous said...

I believe that there should be more gun control in our country. According to the bill of rights we have the right to bare arms. I think to be able to own a gun there should be more rules. It seems like it is too easy to get guns because criminals can buy them on the street easily. I think if there was a more severe punishment for having an illegal gun than less people would own them. There would also be fewer problems due to having stricter gun policies. I think there would be fewer shootings. Having stricter gun policies would make things more safe and crimes lower.
Spencer Truong
Period 5
current events #5

Anonymous said...

I understand the right to bear arms and its placement in the constitution but now that our economy had turned on its back and floated to the top of the bowl people will start to become desperate.
I feel like reports of these rampant shootings will grow larger and steadily continue as more and more people are layed off or have no means to bring in an income. People will turn to illegal practices and the amount of people in gangs and drug trafficking will explode as an easy resort to falling incomes around the country.
To prevent such problems from rising we should at the least have a temporary restriction of guns or keep close watch on who has what to keep the citizens of this grand country safe.
Period 5
Current Event #5

Anonymous said...

I understand everybody's perception that more gun control would make the nation safer. But this is not true. Guns are being trafficked illegally as it is and this black market for guns would just increase if gun laws became stricter. If gun laws were to be stricter it would be harder for your "Average Joe" to own a firearm which in most cases are used for hunting or self defense. Majority of gun related crimes include illegal weapons. According to the Fourth Amendment we have a right to bear arms which is meant to protect us. Guns don't kill, stupid people do.

-Kellen O'Hara, Current Events #5

Mikko said...

I think more restrictions on guns would not help prevent the kind of tragedies our nation witnessed in the past week. After all, the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bear arms in order to protect ourselves. But no matter how many rules are there against gun control, people would still be getting guns for their own needs. How you may ask? One thing is money, if someone has enough money they could buy it from a gun store or from someone. So no matter how many laws are there for gun control people will always get their hands on a gun. I mean the 2nd amendment gives us the right to bear arms. Technically even with or without any laws against gun control people will always find a way to get a gun.

Current event #5

Dirk said...

The second amendment says the people have the right "to keep and bear arms" it also states this right "shall not be infringed". So It's undisputed that people can legally have guns but the the bill of rights doesn't really go into detail about it. The most reasonable thing the gov't. could do, would be to allow people to have only certain guns. I don't see the point of someone having an assault rifle to protect them from burglars or whoever, when a smaller firearm would work just as well, and would be less of a hazard if the gun fell into the wrong hands.

-Dylan Dislers

Anonymous said...

These murderous rampages are certainly tragic. And, as was the case after the Virginia Tech shooting, we cannot let them occur with a proper reaction. The right "of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be enfringed". That says arms, but does not specify types of arms. It is well up to states to strictly limit the sale of assault weapons, especially a much stricter of enforcement of necessary background checks, licenses and permits. Groups like the NRA have become modern-day factions, corrupting and polluting the minds of our elected representatives in exchange for votes. As expressed earlier, if we don't control the sale of weapons in this country, growing economic troubles will only increase the number of headlines like this we'll see.

-Dylan Jenkins

CrazyAl154 said...

I think that we need to do deeper background checks and require that everyone who wants to get a gun get a license to do so. As all this violence that we are seeing lately is just unacceptable. We should also revise the 2nd Amendment which is what this article deals with amendment wise. If we were to revise the 2nd amendment it should include something about criminals and those who have been in prison to have their gun rights revoked for life. This would cause a dramatic reduction in gun related crimes. We should also require gun stores to give away a trigger lock with every gun that they sell, so that minors can't use them. That's my idea for a reduction of gun crimes as well as what i think of this.
~Alex Short
Period 5
Current Event #5

Anonymous said...

I think that we need to have stricter with our gun laws.Right now anyone can pretty much go register a gun which can be dangerous becuase we don't know what they are going to do with that gun. Also we should be stricter about where people can bring their guns. Yes, the constitution says we have the right to bear arms but there are alot of places that peoplereally need to have a gun. People say,well you never know when you will need to protect your self but if we have more gun free zones then people will have less of a reason to need a gun for protction. If we are stricter on who can buy a gun and where people cna have it then that will cut down on alot of gun relaited crimes.

Brigette Battle
Extra credit
1st semester

Anonymous said...

I think the rules of owning a gun should be stricter. If this happened I believe there would be less violence and crimes with tighter rules. According to the constitution we have the right to bare arms. There should also be more severe punishments for owning an illegal gun. I think the government should put more of an effort into stopping illegal guns.
Kyle Danielson
Period 5
Current events 2