Thursday, April 09, 2009

Obama makes trip to Iraq

President Obama made a trip to Iraq this week. See the following link for some details:

In Iraq, Obama underscores support for troops |


sydney codd said...

I remember that one of Obama's main goals for this country was to bring the troops back. He really shows diligence and commitment when he decided to visit the troops in Iraq. He is actually acting upon what he believes and I think that makes him a great leader. Some people are perceiving his visit to Iraq as a support for the WAR, but really he is supporting the troops to make sure they are safe and get through this. There are many people who support Obama for his plan to bring the troops home so hopefully he can achieve that.

current events #2 I was absent!!!!!

CrazyAl154 said...

i think it was extremely nice for obama to visit iraq to see the troops. i'm glad no shoes were thrown at obama. but whatever, obama is going get the troops home soon and thats the good thing, because the us has been there for a long time and we need to get out of there. thats what i think.
~Alex Short
Period 2

Current Event #2

Anonymous said...

I think that Obama is a very caring president. i think that is one of the reasons he is such a good leader. going all the way to iraq shows that he cares about the troops and wants them back safely. i hope he can bring all of the troops back safely. i think that is another reason why people support Obama because he sticks with his plans.
Spencer Truong
Period 5
extra credit