Thursday, April 23, 2009

Liz Cheney Tries to Defend Her Father's Role in Approving Torture

This was hard for me to watch without wanting to scream at her.

Just as a preview - she bases a lot of her argument on the contention that waterboarding and other techniques approved by our former Vice-President were not torture. Unbelievable!


Anonymous said...

I believe that the water boarding should be aloud under certain circumstances the fact that people say that it is unconstitutional it doesn't matter they are not American thus the us constitution somewhat applies to them but certainly not all of it! So do to the fact that its illegal to do it to an American citizen is entirely dif.!

Dirk said...

It made me mad when Mrs. Cheney was trying to say that waterboarding was not torture and that it was just a "tactic". I'm not sure if the the constitution applies to terrorists at all, but if it does then their rights to procedural due process were definitely violated. It's inhumane to do what the government did and Liz Cheney should go play in traffic.

-Dylan Dislers

Sydney said...

This lady is crazy. Waterboarding is considered a simulation of drowning which people die from. Even thought these people were accused of terrorism, it is still cruel and unusual punishment which is unconstitutional. I believe Liz Cheney has been taught that these acts are tactics when really they are torture. She doesn't notice how stupid she looks when she argues with the interviewer and tries to talk over her.

current events 8

Anonymous said...

I was very shocked to hear her talk about how thier "tactics" of water boarding was not considered torture. Torture is torture. No matter what form no matter hoa far you go or to what extent. So for her to say it was neccessary for them to get the information they needed that way was still wrong and unconstittional. It was hard to listen to that and not throw something at the screen becasue she was pretty much saying the same thing over and over and arguing with the host. Not Cool.

Sarah Russell

Mark. B said...

Wait just one moment. does no one else realize that other countries not only the US deploy these same torture techniques on countless individuals usually associated with their own enimies. the only reason the issue of waterboarding is brought up in america is because someone decided to air out our dirty landry, the only reason no one has heard of other countries using these same techniques is because those countries are smart enough to keep a lid on what many call inhumane. I'll tell you whats inhumane people starpping IED's to bicycles and buses that kill hundreds of people everyday. wouldnt you use any and all means to even have a chance at preventing such an obsenity. On the note of This incompetent excuse of a person, Mrs. Liz Chaney, if she really belives that what CIA and FBI and all the other acronyms in the US Department of Defense,Homeland Security do to suspected terrorists is justified as a tactic not torture, she should go and visit the "tactics" the Nazi's used on countless minorities during WWII or the "tactics" terrorists use to torture The World.

Mark Bello
Period 5
Current events 8

Anonymous said...

While the presumed anger of Mr.Goss is certainly felt by this author, we as Americans are compelled to follow not only the letter but the spirit of the law. People look to America as a beacon of hope in the world, a place to start a new life, find a new beginning, where they can be free of so many of the chains that have held them from enjoying true freedom. Our Declaration of Independnce clearly states that "all men are created equal", not just American citizens, but all citizens and all non-citizens everywhere. Furthermore, Torture and waterboarding, which goes right to the spirit of torture, and all other enhanced torture techniques go against the Geneva Conventions, international treaties that apply not only to other nations but to us as well.

Dylan Jenkins
5th Period

starbaby2992 said...

alright what the heck is she thinking? no matter what no one should torture another human being. they should use other tactics than torturing. her defending what her father did is horrible there are other ways you can get information from someone that is more humane.

Angela Dubnow said...

Current Event #8: Waterboarding is a horrible, cruel way of gaining information from someone. Almost drowning someone is not okay. Mrs. Cheney is trying to say this is not torture, and that the effective "program" proves that it works. But this does not mean that it is okay. She refuses to admit that this is torture, but it is! How can tying someone to a board and sticking someone in water until they almost drown NOT torture? This video was so fusterating to watch, because Mrs. Cheney was being so stubborn and dumb about this whole issue, and kept reffering to a "program" that was "effective" instead of just referring to the real issue- that waterboarding IS torture.

Anonymous said...

This lady has no empathy what so ever. If these tactics were practiced on her she wouldnt be able to stay on the same side of this arguement. This lady is rude and an idiot, shes bringing problems that were voided after world war II. Obviously no one uses these tactics anymore becuase they were too dangerous to be practiced, so why use it on people that are "accused of terrorism" rather than being totally guilty? Theres innocent men that are being tortured for no reason. This crazy lady and her family dont understand.

Anonymous said...


Junior Jack

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with waterboarding. i think that it is like torture which is not right. this is a very severe punishment for anyone. it is also unconstiutuional because it is a cruel punishment. Mrs. Cheney is in denial i dont think she realizes that it is really torture. i think that she is to stubborn to admit that it is torture. i do not think waterboarding is necessary and there can be other things done to get information besides this.
Spencer Truong
Period 5