Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Fake News better than Real News

Again, Jon Stewart and the Daily Show have done a better job of holding the administration accountable for their lies and deceptions. If you didn't see them skewer Cheney and Rumsfeld for the recent remarks about the Iraqi insurgency being in its last throes, check out the following link. By the way, "Crooks and Liars" is an intersting blog site.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Death in Iraq, State of Denial in D.C.

Sadly, the Bush administration continues its campaign of propaganda about the war on terror and the war in Iraq. In recent days, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush have tried to paint a picture of positive momentum and an insurgency in Iraq that is in its "final throes". Unfortunately, the news out of Iraq doesn't give us any reason to believe them. Actually, the assesments of our own military commanders betrays the falsehoods spouted by our top elected officials:

"Yesterday, the top American commander in the Persian Gulf told Congress the Iraqi insurgency has not grown weaker in the past six months. 'I believe there are more foreign fighters coming into Iraq than there were six months ago,' Gen. John Abizaid said.
This on a day when many Americans were killed in Iraq. Also at the same time Bush refused an Iraqi request to set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq while meeting with an Iraqi leader in D.C. Funny how we can set timetables for Iraqi elections and constitution writing, but they can't ask us to set timetables for ourselves.

A lot of this is detailed in the Seattle Times.

The New York Times published a stong editorial about the dishonest nature of the Bush administration in the war on terror. The article said three facts need to be acknowledged about Iraq:

1) The war has nothing to do with Sept. 11.
2) The war has not made the world, or this nation, safer from terrorism.
3) If the war is going according to plan, someone needs to rethink the plan.
Meanwhile, the U.S. policy of extraordinary rendition has come under fire from one of our biggest allies in the war in Iraq: Italy. The Italian Justice department has issued arrest warrants for CIA officers who arrested a terrorist in Italy and sent him to Egypt where he was tortured. It turns out that Italy had been building a case against the terrorist for a long time and was ready to make an arrest. But now the whereabouts of this terrorist is unknown. See the article in the Seattle Times.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

End of the School Year!

Oh, the end of the school year!

It's sad to say good-bye to the seniors, but I feel confident that the class of 2005 will be good about staying in touch, so I'm hopeful about that.

Not much time to stay on top of current events lately, although I'm in total agreement with the Bush administration in their opposition to a bill the U.S. House of Representatives just passed that threatens to cut our funding of the United Nations in half. It is a really stupid idea for our security, our policies, and the world as a whole.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Cheney Lies More About Guantanamo Bay

How stupid does the Vice-President think the American people are? How short does he think our memory is?

At a recent news conference, Cheney was answering questions about Guantanamo Bay and talked about how "essential" the base is to our "strategy," and how much the rest of the world DOESN'T have a problem with it. But as Newsweek points out, he is choosing to forget some important facts. From their article:

As early as January 2002, the Secretary of State Colin Powell wrote to President
George Bush urging him to apply the Geneva Conventions to all detainees.

That same month, his British counterpart, Jack Straw, told the BBC he wanted to see British detainees returned home to face justice in the United Kingdom, not Guantanamo Bay, after photos of shackled detainees sparked widespread
condemnation across the political spectrum in Britain. The British government
opposed the Gitmo process so deeply that it eventually negotiated the return of
its detainees earlier this year, when they were set free after initial questioning.

In 2003, after a lengthy series of exchanges between Powell and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the administration agreed to speed up the processing of detainees at the camp (who numbered around 660 at the time, compared to around 540 today). Rumsfeld himself acknowledged that Powell—and the administration—were responding to international opinion.

And these are just actions of the administration and our ally in the Iraq war, Great Britain. Let's not even talk about the rest of Europe and the Muslim world.

Will someone please tell the Vice-President to tell the truth or keep his mouth shut?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Opposition to Iraq War is Growing

Over half of those surveyed in a recent poll don't think that the war in Iraq is making Americans more secure at home. The Washington Post poll also found that the Americans are very down on Bush's handling of security in general. According to MSNBC:

Nearly three-quarters of Americans say the number of casualties in Iraq is unacceptable, while two-thirds say the U.S. military there is bogged down and
nearly six in 10 say the war was not worth fighting -- in all three cases matching or exceeding the highest levels of pessimism yet recorded. More than four in 10 believe the U.S. presence in Iraq is becoming analogous to the experience in Vietnam.

Perhaps most ominous for President Bush, 52 percent said war in Iraq has not contributed to the long-term security of the United States, while 47 percent said it has.
The real question is when does this disaffection turn into activism? How long will it take for people to realize we were all lied to about this war and hold these people responsible? For some of us, opposition to the war has been an on-going campaign, but how can we mobilize others who have come to agree with us about the Iraq war?

These are my thoughts. We need lots of informed debate and action on important issues in this natino. I read a call to action on behalf of our basic principles with a "new American spirit" by a guest editorialist in the Christian Science Monitor today. Check it out for some inspiration!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


It is finally over. Rossi conceeded. There is no way both parties are going to feel good about this decision, but the judge made a sensible ruling based on WA state election law. What else could be done? There is no proof anyone tried to steal this election, just that there were screw-ups by election workers. I hope that Republicans who supported Rossi can accept the decision and move on. Gregoire has already shown herself to be a competent governor.

Maria Cantwell's Senate seat is the next big contest in 2006. Rossi has already said he won't run for the spot.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Court Says No to Medical Marijuana

Big decision.

Most people will probably focus on the issue of whether marijuana should be legalized or not, but this was a case that tried dealt with an important issue of federalism. This 6-3 decision upheld the right of the federal government to enforce laws against illegal substances, even if that substance is marijuana being used in a state that has made it legal for medicinal purposes.

People should also realize that the court emphasized that it was up to Congress not the Courts to legalize medical marijuana. You can bet this Republican controlled Congress won't do that, but we might see it happen a few years down the road.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Let's Talk Seriously About Impeachment

Ralph Nader has joined those who are calling for a serious national discussion on impeaching Bush and Cheney.

"President Clinton was impeached for perjury about his sexual relationships. Comparing Clinton's misbehavior to a destructive and costly war occupation launched in March 2003 under false pretenses in violation of domestic and international law certainly merits introduction of an impeachment resolution."

The recent Downing Street Memo has been called the smoking gun by many -- it is a reliable, respected source of what most of us have known for a long time from so many other sources: that Bush/Cheney had planned to invade Iraq long before they admitted this to the public and that they manufactured evidence and intelligence to justify their actions. If you haven't read the memo or you don't know much about it, a group pressuring the President on this has posted a website where you can get more information: You can also simply Google the term to look for a variety of commentaries on it.

We need to seriously consider the benefit to our nation of removing these dishonest, power-hungry demogogues from office. U.S. Rep. John Conyers is leading a petition effort to demand the truth from Bush on these issues. Check it out!