Tuesday, July 04, 2006

For now, Cross to Remain on Public Land in S.D.

A large crucifix in the San Diego area, prominently displayed on public land, had been ordered taken down by a federal judge.

Yesterday Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy stepped in and ordered an indefinate stay allowing the crucifix to remain while further legal arguments are made.

I've read in some commentaries lately that Kennedy has become some kind of flaming liberal. I don't always agree with his votes, but he seems to have a tremendous amount of integrity and views these types of church/state issues seriously and on a case by case basis.

Other than looking at the picture reading the report in the Seattle Times and the N.Y. Times, I don't know the details. If, as one side is claiming, this was erected to honor the war dead (and if that intention is still clear to visitors) I don't see it as a violation of the Establishment Clause. What do you think?

First Amendment Challenge by Neo-Nazis

First case involves a demonstration in Olympia. About 12 neo-Nazi were doing their thing - wearing brown shirts, boots, and spewing hate - and exercising their First Amendment rights to do so. There was a counter-demonstration that was much larger, the police were out in force, and no violence ensued.

My comment to Congress:
These obnoxious twits are much more offensive than flag burners, because they are using "pure speech" as opposed to "symbolic speech". Also, I might add, they are spewing the hate and ideas our veterans ofWWII were actually fighting against; these were the emotional and intellectual descendents of those that actually shot at, bombed, and torpedoed Americans and the rest of the free world during WWII.

Since the late 1960's (Brandenberg v. Ohio) the Supreme Court has allowed these types of groups to protest regardless of their obnoxious and hateful messages. No great harm has come of it. Dealing with unpopular or just plain stupid ideas is the price we pay for a vibrant, open national dialogue we can have under our Constitution.

Stop the damn political posturing over flag burning! It is insulting to this nation's history of freedom of expression and the ideals we have fought for in so many ways since the First Amendment was ratified.

Don't let a few flag-burners or misguided neo-Nazis shake your belief in freedom. Leave the First Amendment alone!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

TR for President!!!

Have you seen the latest edition of Time Magazine?!? Teddy Roosevelt is on the cover!

Woot! (er, ah, I mean "Bully!") What a great Fourth of July present for the nation! A TR issue -I can't wait to read it....

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Ave Maria Silenced at Edmonds Graduation

Does it violate the 1st Amendment's Establishment clause if a school's wind ensemble chooses to play "Ave Maria" at a graduation ceremony? Apparently the Superintendent of the Edmonds School District thought so, and now this girl...

is suing the District for violating the students' 1st Amendment rights of free expression.

All of this was in an article in the Seattle Times.

The fact that this musical selection did not include lyrics, was a choice of the students, was played at a graduation ceremony (as opposed to over the announcements) and many other factors complicate this case.

Where her rights violated? Does the school superintendent have a right to tell the Mill Creek Wind Ensemble what is and is not appropriate music for a graduation ceremony?

Sorry! I just realized this seems like an assignment for one or my classes. Old habits die hard I guess - just got kinda excited about this issue. It isn't required that you write about this in your journal or anything! :) I'm a bit "off-balanced" you know...