Thursday, June 11, 2009

Government Begins to Find Homes for Detainees

There are prisoners at Guantanamo Bay that the government does not have enough evidence against to prosecute. In any ordinary circumstance, our Constitution and laws would dictate that they be freed. However, there are lots of complications the the 200+ prisoners that were still being held there when Obama took office. (I've written about this in past blogs.)

At least a few, who seemed clearly to have done nothing to deserve imprisonment got their first taste of freedom today.

6 Detainees Are Freed as Questions Linger -


Loren said...

This is absurd. The detainees who have have been held at Guantanamo Bay, (some who were possible innocent) are finally granted freedom to live without government and army officials watching their every move. As said above, it is possible that some of the prisoners that were held there were innocent because they weren't granted their right to present their case to a judge.

Make-up Current events #5
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think that GTMO should not have been closed in the first place but if Obama is going to let them go then he has every right to, there is no opposing argument to hold a man who has not been proven guilty by any means. As long as these men were reviewed carefully before release, which they must have been, I don't care if an innocent man is released.

-Conner Spani
Extra Credit

Anonymous said...

To me this shows that Obama is doing his job and doing his job right. Bush could not live up to these expectations. This is also another way of Obama showing his "change". Seeing that the detainies that were innocent being set free makes me feel better because these men have been living through cruel times for part of their lives but since its all over they can now live in properity thanks to Obama.

Junior Jack

heatherkraemer said...

This is a hard situation. Not knowing if some of these people are innocent or not. I believe they should have looked through these cases more and done some FBI work and made sure that these people deserved to be freed or not, and if they should be freed I think we all should be protected and have these people watched closely. It makes me feel uncomfortable that these people are out and we do not know if they are 100% innocent.

sydney said...

Guantanamo Bay violates the constitution through the 6th and 7th amendment which involve the right to a speedy trial and trial by jury. These prisoners have been detained with not enough evidence and hundreds have not been put on trial. This is wrong and they should not be so paranoid and prosecute people jsut based on suspicion. This issue has been debated for a long time now and it is good to see that some of the innocent prisoners are finally being freed. hopefully it will finally be closed down.

Anonymous said...

Even though some people may be held prisoner even though they were innocent, it shouldn't mean that they should be let off the hook until everything is clear saying they are innocent, you may not know until you the Truth. They should be keeping an eye on them even while they have their freedom back. Just to make sure. You shouldn't let people who are from the prisons to be just free without watching them and checking that they are innocent or not.

Nga N.
Current Event Extra Credit #2

Anonymous said...

I think that this is bad because you never know if these people were innocent and are free now. this violates the 6th amendent which is the right to a speedy trial. i think the government should have examined the people more to see if they were innocent because now there could be criminals that are free.
Spencer Truong
period 5

Mark Bello said...

This is really dissapointing to see happening. Suspected terrorists whether they be guilty or not are being relocated back to thier home country or to BERMUDA and PALAU. tropical island vacation spots that tourists visit!!! The worst part about it is that it seems as though the former gitmo prisoners are being freed without so much as a follow up investigation that garuntees that they are no longer a threat. Keep in mind that Bermuda is less then 150 miles off the southern coast of florida, and Palau is a stone throws away from military bases in the pacific. These detainees are still a threat in my eyes and i would have rather seen them placed in a high security prison Here in america where they wont be able to escape.

Mark Bello
Per 5
Extra credit

Anonymous said...

Seeing this through legal eyes its clear that these men who haven't had charges put against them with supporting evidence deserve to be placed back in their homes or to less sever prisons.
How long do you keep a man who hasn't had crimes placed against their name?
2 months? 2 years? or do you wait until you can falsely place him as a scapegoat for some other mess just to keep yourself from looking like a joke?
That's what I feel GTMB has been the past few years. If their going to keep detainees for that long then at least have some evidence or information gained instead of wasting time and the tax dollars of hard working americans