Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Souter to Retire & Specter Switches Parties

There was some very big news in national politics last week.

First, a long-time Republican Senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter announced that he was switching political parties and becoming a Democrat. Why would he do such a thing, and what does it mean for the Senate and the nation? Lots of info on Specter and the recent news of his party switch can be found here.

Second, Supreme Court Justice David Souter announced that he will be retiring. The 69 year old Associate Justice will serve until a replacement can be appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the Senate. You can read some background on this development here.

For some laughs, and good sly commentary on how all these Court appointments get hung up on the issue of abortion, take a look at the Daily Show with Jon Stewart lampooning this story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To me it makes sense that Mr. Specter switched political parties from being a rupublican to being a democrat. After all he has the same ideals as a democrat and agrees with obama's stimulus package. Also he is receiving less support from the conservative side and if he wants to run again then he will have to switch parties in order to be re-elected. People like Pat Toomey who are very conservative will be more likey to win the conservative vote and therefore win the election in states like Pennsylvania. Also Many conservatives and even moderates have not liked Mr. Spector's ideals as a political leader, therefore tens of thousands of Republicans and moderates have switched parties and registered as democrats making the Republican party now the Minority in Pennsylvania. My question is whether Mr. Spector is switching to help himself or help the republican party in Pennsylvania.
James McLean
Current Event #8