Saturday, June 14, 2008

NRA's political clout is waning - Los Angeles Times

Interesting article about 2nd Amendment rights in today's Los Angeles Times. Could it be true? The National Rifle Association has been a powerhouse in terms of lobbying and influence in Congress for years. As the Supreme Court is set to announce its decision on the Washington, D.C. gun control case, this article suggests that the NRA is not as powerful as it used to be. While I hope it is true - they have blocked so many sensible gun control measures over the years, the article maintains a big reason they have so much clout is because they have won most of the fights on the issues surrounding 2nd Amerndment rights.

Read on and see what you think:
NRA's political clout is waning - Los Angeles Times

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kyle johnson current events makeup

True, the NRA has been in control for many years but with the new presidency coming up their may be change in some of these laws. They have lost states and support. I dont disagree with the 2nd amendment because in need for serious emergencies, a gun could be the difference between life and death. However I agree with you Mr.Coraggio because they do need to have stricter rules and regulation to get and gun and to be able to own that gun legally. Household guns can be good, but can also be extremely bad. Kids can find them and really do damage. overall I think that changes are needed in this subject.

Kyle Johnson