I heard in the car on my way home from MRHS that at the beginning of the war on March 19, 2003, 70% of the American public was in favor of the war. I wasn't. I still have my "NO IRAQ WAR" sign in the trunk of my 1985 Honda Accord (that no longer runs).
Today, over 53% of Americans believe it was a mistake to invade Iraq. (Also, I would add that it was a clear violation of international law - look it up and decide for yourself.)
President Bush gave a speech today saying the war was the right thing to do. He claims the "troop surge" has been a success as violence is down from one year ago. Still, Iraq is a mess, and Bush says we need to stay longer to "finish the job". His poll ratings are at an all time low. (So are those of Congress.)
What are your thoughts on the war and where we go from here?
Click here for lots of good coverage, including multi-media.
okay so here is the deal, although at the beginning of the war, it seemed like the right thing to do.. it has become very apparent that it wasn't. yeah, maybe it solved a few problems, but when you look at the overall picture..it's kind of a disaster! poor bush gets ragged on all the time because america alllways has to have something to complain about! i mean.. come on the guy has like practically everyone against him.. i remember when i found out the war was happening.. i like cried and was scared out of my mind, i think all of us can agree we are thankful that it has not come on to u.s land. even though i have never really been against bush, it is definitely time for a new president to step in and give america a breath of fresh air.
-kelly macdonald
Dear Ladiesman217,
5 years huh? that seems like a pretty ridiculously long time to be somewhere and have nothing really to show for it. I mean when they first went in Iraq i was in what, sixth grade or something. That seems like so long ago, i really have lost sight on the true objective of our troops in Iraq. I don't know if its for oil or to help them rebuild their government. I guess it would kinda be logical to stay in for a little while longer so that whatever mission they are trying to accomplished may be fulfilled and so all the years they've put in so far do not go to complete waste. At the same time though its been a really long time, hearing about the "WAR IN IRAQ" is routine now on the news it has been become part of everyday life, which is really sad if you think about it. People are over there far away from home living in unsafe conditions and possibly at risk of losing their life, that should not be routine for anyone. I remember back at the beginning of the war or even a few years ago. stories about the war used to be the top stories headlining each station but over time people just got more used to hearing about it and just grew accustomed. If you can be comfortable with a war something isn't right, maybe it is time to pull out.
Love, Jeremy Patoc
so come on its just really time to end this war already.. not only am i tired if turning the t.v. on and always hearing about how many people have died each day and how many more troops need to go die for America and leave their families. It seems there are never any good news on the war. At the beginning of the war it made have been a decent decision to invade iraq and solve some problems but now it just seems pointless and death or injury or almost promised before returning home. Just think about all the new born babies that are left when their father/mothers leave and they might not even get too meet their parents. Its been time for a new president and for someone too put a stop too this non sense!!!!!!!
kyle ehlers
so come on its just really time to end this war already.. not only am i tired if turning the t.v. on and always hearing about how many people have died each day and how many more troops need to go die for America and leave their families. It seems there are never any good news on the war. At the beginning of the war it made have been a decent decision to invade iraq and solve some problems but now it just seems pointless and death or injury or almost promised before returning home. Just think about all the new born babies that are left when their father/mothers leave and they might not even get too meet their parents. Its been time for a new president and for someone too put a stop too this non sense!!!!!!!
kyle ehlers
so come on its just really time to end this war already.. not only am i tired if turning the t.v. on and always hearing about how many people have died each day and how many more troops need to go die for America and leave their families. It seems there are never any good news on the war. At the beginning of the war it made have been a decent decision to invade iraq and solve some problems but now it just seems pointless and death or injury or almost promised before returning home. Just think about all the new born babies that are left when their father/mothers leave and they might not even get too meet their parents. Its been time for a new president and for someone too put a stop too this non sense!!!!!!!
kyle ehlers
First of all why is the sticker that says "no Iraq war" in the trunk of your car that doesn't work when it can be on the car you drive that does works?!? But anyways I think the Iraq war should be over.5 years is way to long! I haven' seen any effects or changes by it either. So to me it is pointless! People are dyeing for no reason.
Dana Stewart
Regina from your first period thinks "we are at war over gas.......she thinks this because gas prices over here are too high and if we kill everyone in Iraq we can take their gas and bring it back to the united states and the prices will go down"....ahaha (shes dumb)=)
Regina Tuck
Coraggio, i agree. i was young when it all stated, but for as long as i cam remember, i think the war is dumb and we should not be in it. all were doing is destroying their country and accomplishing nothing. sorry Bush, but your dumb and wrong and i think we should get out as fast as possible. i understand that we have to establish their country again, but they need to get down to business and get that done so we can bring our troops home safely. so many people have died there, being Americans or Iraqis , and it needs to be done with.
-kaity brough
The war on iraq has pretty much summed up Bush's terms in office. It is the main reason that not many people like him. People believed that it was the right thing to do because they attacked our country and they probably did'nt think that te war would last this long. Now eveyone is sick of all the innocent lives being taken and tired of this dragged out war. Personally i thought that going into war was a bad idea in the first place. Yeah, they attacked our country and took innocent lives, but why go over there and do the same? I'm very gladwe have an election coming in a few months because its time for a change and its time to start taking our troops out of iraq and returning them to their families.
-Tyler Manke
Period 4
to start, i think this war from day one has been ridiculous and have always been against it. i think its time that we get out of irAQ because as i see it, there is no point for us being there. it doesent seem like were doing much and more and more young americans keep dying. i saw in the newspaper the other morning that we have reached the 4000 deaths. i couldnt believe it. that should be a wake up call to all people who are for the war and for sure president bush. they should ask themselfs why they really are there, because as i see it, there really not doing anything to help anyone, there just making things worse. thats why i cant wait tell we get a new president and i think that a democratic president would do america some real good.
Maggie Caetano
Per. 4
good evening mr coraggio, or should i say morning, its fairly late right now.
anyhow, i know not one person who believes that this war is a positive thing our country and the other countries influenced in any way by ours is going through. and, i'm no different. i mean, back when the war started, i can't say i had much political opinion, but i can say for sure that my parents opinions influenced me, and my parents are quite the anti-war, peace loving, democrat folks. therefore, in my mind, this war has been simply negative from day one. i mean, in the beginning, we had NO proof that i think afghanistan? had weapons of mass destruction, it was all a little hunch that bush had (at least, this was what my understanding is). and even if they did, what business of it was ours? we're loaded up the wazoo with plenty destructive weapons, if you dont mind my obscene language. i have yet to see anyone else barging into the US demanding to see our WMD's.
anyways, my point is, it's just gone from bad to worse from there. i believe our excuse for staying in iraq is to fix their country? if the sunnis and whoever else (sorry, their name is slipping my mind) are having cultural clashes, it's no business of ours, let me tell you. i'm plenty sure that they have the ability to mend it themselves, without us getting in the way. i mean, i can understand that since we've dug ourselves in such a deep hole that we may need to progressively get out (imagine a VERY deep hole, with our soldiers standing on the shoulders of one another to the top, slowly helping each other out... bush can stay at the bottom of the hole. if you can't imagine this, sorry, i can't explain the images in my head too well), so as to not come out cold turkey. but i am definitely anti-war is all. i don't really know how this relates to the constitutional principles very well. i mean, if it was a violation of the international law, then obviously we're breaking some laws, which is all the president's fault, which ties into the fact that bush should have NO powers of presidency. but i dunno. i gotta go do another one of these, so i'll talk to you in a minute about another matter.
At the beginning of the war I believed it was the right thing to do because our country was being attacked by terrorists and I thought it was the right thing to do to engage in warfare in Iraq. Now, 5 years later, and many many deaths later, it seems that almost no good has come from the war. I couldn't even tell you the reason why we are still there right now. For oil? For or to help them rebuild their government? I dont even know anymore and honestly don't even care much anymore. Not that I dont care for these men and women who risk their lives for us every day but because I am tired of hearing about the war ALL the time and how many deaths and casualties and ruined families have come from it. I believe we need to stay in Iraq for a little while longer because pulling out fast might lead to more problems but maybe a slow thought out plan could work. With new presidency in the near future, I believe the right thing to do is to get the troops out and try to create as little problem as possible. I think that is the best thing to do for our government, our troops, and the common good of the people of the United States
Tucker Rockwell 3/38/08
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