Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Modern Day Slavery in our World

Read or listen to this story on NPR about the slave trade that exists in many places around our world. I knew about this, but not some of the details and the amount of slaves around the country. The modern practice of slavery is often referred to as "human trafficking". Here is a brief description from Amnesty International:
Trafficking is modern day slave trading. It involves transporting people away from the communities they live in by the threat or use of violence, deception or coercion so they can be exploited as forced or enslaved workers. When children are trafficked, no violence, deception or coercion needs to be involved: simply transporting them into exploitative conditions constitutes trafficking.

Trafficking is a worldwide phenomenon. Victims are trafficked into a range of hazardous labor including farm work, sweatshops, domestic servants, forced prostitution and subjected to sexual abuse and other forms of violence. Each year, an estimated 600,000-800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked across international borders according to the US Department of State.

Keep in mind that slavery is not only illegal in the United States, but is in violation of Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
I found this story very sad and disturbing. We need to do more to defend the human rights of the defenseless. If you want to do something about it, you can start taking action at Amnesty International's pages that deal with "human trafficking".


Anonymous said...

honestly coraggio, the very beginning of the article left me in awe, and not the good kind. i had no idea that slavery (oh, excuse me, human trafficking) still existed in our world, let alone that there are such great numbers of it (600,000 to 800,000?). i just posted a response to your blog about 1 in 100 americans being in jail (i know it's pretty far down, so i'll let this be a reminder for you to look at it). that article said that the united states has the greatest amount of people in jail over anywhere else in the world. i think that, rather than putting away people for minimal crimes, things like human trafficking should be dealt with. if skinner was so easily able to find people who sell humans, then it really shouldn't be that much of a problem for the law to find them, too. this is a true crime, as human trafficking goes against not only article 4 of the universal declaration of human rights, but also the right to liberty and even life, if they are threatened physically.

Anonymous said...

This is hellen speaking..........

Wow that is some crazy information about human trafficking. I mean the thing I dont get about this whole post is Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It clearly states the law in which no one shall be in slavery or servitude. I mean how hard is this to understand??? Not very hard. What I wonder is what happens to those governments who get caught i these actions?? obviously not much because we are not seeing the number decrease, seems more like an increase to me i mean 600,000-800,000 that mean more than half a million people a year are trafficked ACROSS UNIVERSAL BORDERS! Thats absurd. I mean do these people on the borders just go along with it and say oh hey yea your a slavecome over here and just let it fly? I mean I dont think america does that or do they? What im very puzzled about is how people/ governmnets are getting away with this it all just doesnt make sense to me. Maybe we can discuss that more in class..please!? I mean this was so 1800's slash early 1900's, we are in 2008 people need to follow THIS ARTICLE ALREADY

Anonymous said...

Reading stuff like this is really frustrating, because it seems like we arent doing anything about. Considering that it goes agaisnt Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, you would think that since it clearly states that "no one shall be held in slaverly", that it means literally NO ONE should be held in slavery. Why is it that people get punished for petty crimes, but when it comes down to something that is actually violating human rights, nothing is done about? Our nation abolished slavery in the mid 1800's, why let someting like this reverse the progress we are making towards freedom?

Anonymous said...

like serioiusly i could never have theheart or desire too make anyone do hard work for me without pay or prvilege.. its really disturbing too hear that this iis still happening in parts of the world and it makes me very mad that people would do this.. and i feel sad for the people who are basicsally being tortured in the free world!!! especially the large number of people in this ring. the country has changed and that should not be happening.. since the early slave days everything should be done with the whole slavery thing because iy was wrong in the firsr place! this is soo wrong and it makes me wanna goo there and free everyone of these poor people from what they are going through and give them a free life like they deserve! Kyle Ehlers period. 5

Anonymous said...

hahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha im soorry i read kyles poast and its so Funny! i love the passion though! :)