Saturday, March 22, 2008

How Many Have Died in Iraq?

It isn't an easy question to answer. As the official toll of U.S. military deaths creeps closer to 4,000, it is still very difficult to assess how many Iraqis have died as a result of the conflict. The British newspaper the Guardian explains in this article.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stephen Anderson on Current Events;

It is beyond all measure of belief that the neo-con regime has sustained this invasion long enough to throw away the lives of 4000 men and women (not to mention the countless Iraqi civilians) in their quest for oil. What really shocks me is that so few senators have found the backbone to stand up and speak out against this atrocity. The Bush Regime claims to wage a "war on terror" while blackwater mercenaries hired by our government kill indiscriminately with no possibility of repercussions. Those who speak out against these injustices often find themselves in Guantanamo Bay, being denied the basic rights our country is supposingly fighting to uphold.(Habeas corpus, cruel and unusual punishment, right to an attorney) This system must be stopped immediately before anymore soldiers are forced to give their lives to this unjust and illegal occupation.