Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The other thing about Spitzer

The question many people are asking is "What was he thinking?" Eliot Spitzer comes from a family of tremendous personal wealth, he has a wife and three daughters, and a dazzlingly successful political career. (Well, he had one.) What drove him to seek out high-priced prostitutes knowing full well the consequences he would face if it ever became public?

There are a lot of possible psychological explanations (see Blame It on the Primal Brain of Homo Politicus), but I'd like you to think about a political phenomenon known as the "arrogance of power". It basically refers to people in power (and this was something Clinton admitted was a part of why he had a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky) thinking that they are above the law, or at least above getting caught.

Is there something about having power that makes people lose respect for the rule of law? It is such a basic, fundamental principle of our system of government, yet so many have disregarded it: from historical figures like Richard Nixon, to contemporary examples such as ex-House majority leader Tom DeLay, Senator Larry Craig, and N.J. Governor Corzine. (I would also argue that an arrogance of power led many in the Bush Administration to believe they could disregard fundamental liberties and international law in fighting the "war on terror". I think it has been proven by now that our government thought it could be excused from following national and international laws, treaties, etc., against torture, mistreatment of prisoners, denying due process, and waging offensive, unprovoked war.)

Okay, no one is perfect, and that includes the people who serve in public office. Have you read/heard/seen any interesting commentary or analysis on these questions in the media? Share with us! If you can't find any, you can start with this from CNN: Experts analyze Spitzer's thinking


Anonymous said...

I think that this is a case not of "arrogance of power", but of sheer arrogance. But to answer your questions, here is a site that I found:
David Ignatius gives a good insight of why politicians act this way - "It begins not with venality but with a sense of God-given mission". While this explains the actions of the Bush administration, it provides no insight on why Eliot Spitzer acted the way he did. Since his actions seem to have no purpose other than a gross disregard for the law, I think that he was acting out of raw arrogance.

-Allen Smith, esq.

Anonymous said...

I remember when I first heard about the whole incident I thought "$4300! She must have been pretty hot to go for $4300."
Then pictures popped up of her and I though, "Damn, she is totally not worth 4300."

Anyway, notice how the consititution has nothing deeming prostitiution unlawful? It's probably unlawful cause it's practically impossible to tax. Like mary jane and the like.

Jeeze, "arrogance of power?" sounds like they're just being cocky. It's like that guy who thinks he's all that so he does whatever and no one does anything about it. How'd that guy get into office in the first place? Probably cause of his rich family.

Also, did you know that Sptizer had the balls to critize GTA and it's negative infulences?!?! Hipocracy FTL!

some intretesting media there.

Kingsley C ~ TGS

Samantha Emiline Brown the Third said...

I know that i'm a little late to leave my thoughts and opinions on this, but its better late than never. I think that the main reason he though he could get away with this, and why he infact DID do this, is exactly the "arrogance of power". I can absolutley relate to it, being a captain on an athletic team, i certainly abuse my power, sometimes i cheat while running, and i allow my teamates to do the same, i come late because i know i can't get yelled at, etc. Everybody does it, it's just really unsetteling that somebody of such high power, somebody who has fought, and succeeded in cleaning up his city, ridding it from crime and PROSTITUTION, would be caught paying 4500 a pop! Sure the only rule we really have on human trafficking is that Mann law, but still, prostituion is illegal, this man is being very hypocritical, and acting inappropriatly for the type of job he USED to have. I almost feel bad for these people who are born into high positions like this. They don't know the feeling of earning power, therefore they would know better not to abuse it. He's very lucky his wife is supporting him, not to say, still with him. Sad to say, it doesn't surprise me the least that a man up there in the poitical world is capable of something like this!