Friday, March 14, 2008

No Random Student Drug Testing in Our State!

Article in this morning's Seattle Times. I gotta go get ready for work, and can't comment in depth, but as someone who prizes civil liberties, I'm happy to see our WA State Supreme Court make this ruling. A great example of individual liberties vs. promoting the general welfare, with regard to search and seizure.


Anonymous said...

Hey Corragio its Julie,

I completely agree with the Court's decision to ban the tests. Some schools might have need for the tests but as a student athlete I would feel entirely violated if someone asked me to produce proof that I haven't been taking drugs. Obviously some students are taking drugs or the question wouldn't be raised, but I don't see threatening the students with a blanket is the most efficient solution to the problem. More drug education and stricter results for those who are found guilty of offenses could be alternative solutions. I wish more kids would take responsibility for the contract they signed to participate in the sport and stay away from drugs in the first place. Even at our own school it seems that each year some student gets caught abusing a substance and kicked off but somehow the more neccessary players find their way back to the court just in time for it to count. Stepping up punishment, as harsh as it sounds, might just be the way to discourage student athletes from being involved in illegal activity.

Samantha Emiline Brown the Third said...

Hellllllllllllooooooo Corage(thats my way of spelling core ahge),
In a way, i agree with our state to dis continue the random drug testing, because it is indeed denying constitutional rights, but i think that drug testing for suspicious students, who have proven to use inappropriate behavior before, or there is some kind of heads up about what they are going to use/drink, then i think it should be allowed, thats not too much an infringment on our rights, is it? Its really disappointing to me as a student athlete to see so many of my friends, teammates, whatever, walk the thin line of being able to play and not being able to play. I mean, teams work hard all season, they get past leauge, districts, they get to state, and kids are STILL going out on the weekends and partying. Not only is it just stupid, but its disrespectful to all of their teammates who have worked their butts off all season. Like i said, i think its good that the random testing is gone, but for those under suspicion, and if suspicion was defined correctly, i think it should be allowed.