Thursday, March 06, 2008

Good Idea vs Bad Idea

So lets have a bit of good idea vs. bad idea.
Good idea: Runing for president in 2008 as a Democrat following one of the most dissapointing and disapproved Republican Presidents.
Bad idea: Running for president in 2008 as a Republican and having your number one tag line be "Experience" when the last 8 years have far from a good experience.
Good idea: Having strong endorsements in said race in order to pick up as many on the fence votes as possible.
Bad idea: Having one of the nations most disliked president's "approval" and endorsement.
Good idea: Bringing inspriration and hope to millions of citizens in the U.S. with personal stories and speeches that bring new life to American politics such as the ones from Barack Obama and even Hillary Clinton.
Bad idea: Running as a Rublican and having almost no conservative views and values.

The bad ideas are some of Sen. John McCain's stats if you will. While many people are cuaght up in the Democratic race for nomination which is one of the closest races in years. The Senator from Arizona picked up an endorsement from the White House. That's right President George W. Bush endorsed McCain yesterday, Wednesday March 5th. Although having this endorsement gives McCain many bonuses, such as money and the aura and name of the presidnecy, it may have drawbacks that are not so visible. For one McCain has talked a lot about experience and has made it apparant that he has more than enough to lead the country. But with all the experience he has he has also spoken about learning from the past and not making those same mistakes. With the American peoples experiences from the last 8 years being not so good, will the name of the president who led our country through all that be an endorsement or just add to the weight that McCain has to carry in order to gain the presidency. With Barack and Hilary gathering so much attention, and the public perspective that we need change, this race doesn't look so good as is for McCain as well as the Republican party. Whether this endorsement helps or hurts we won't know quite yet, one thing is certain though, John McCain is going to have a tough trip in order to be the one being sworn in next January.

1 comment:

Maggie Caetano said...

I think the endorsement from President George W. Bush probably would hurt John McCain and the rest of the republican party because of the way that president Bush has proven himself to run this country for the past 8 years. It was hurting McCain bad enough with the attention that Clinton and Barack have been recieveing for the Democratic parties, but when you throw president Bush in it, people may stop listening and voting for Mcain because they may get the wrong idea. So in conclusion with all the Democratic excitment and then having presidnt Bush help out it kinda looks bad and surely will hurt his campaigning for this presidency race.