Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Still to close to call

No surprises yet - Bush is winning where he is supposed to, Kerry is winning where he is supposed to and Coraggio just got finished voting for a lot of Democrats! I didn't even have to wait! The poll workers have said it is very busy, and our state is looking at a record turnout of almost 85%.

The voter turnout among minorities in Florida is encouraging for Kerry. Bush is looking very strong in Michigan - it used to be a Democratic strong-hold.

Keep your eye on these states - also, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

And this is interesting:

Keith Olbermann of MSNBC is reporting that there is concern at the White House tonight....
"Discouragement" at the White House. That’s the term used by NBC’s White House Correspondent David Gregory in his 7:05 PM report, describing the reaction of President Bush’s “top advisors” in a war room within the war room at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. David’s sources report a “tense” set of advisors, who have already determined an unwanted “tightness in the race,” not unlike what they saw in the waning days of the 2000 Gore-Bush vote.

How do you think this will turn out?????


Anonymous said...

When I got home from the soccer game tonight... and I saw that it was this close of a race... I decided that I really care. Somehow, I just assumed that the American people would pick the candidate that speaks in complete sentences, but now I'm getting scared. I vomited when they called Colorado for Bush, and I stuck a knife in my eye after Florida. This is ridiculous. Kerry needs to win.

Anonymous said...

this is wonderful.

I am so happy. at this point, my instincts tell me that it will be Bush.Even though i was sure Kerry would take it earlier. However, we still can't tell. But now that it looks like both Ohio and Florida are going to my man. WOOHOOo.


Anonymous said...

Something else I was considering is that... although America is a nation, we are so diverse amongst ourselves. I recently watched "Bowling for Columbine", and all political biases aside, the lifestyles and the mindsets of the people in that movie are beyond foreign to many of us. Some of the attitudes regarding the second amendment and an American's right/duty to protect themselves. Even if you were just to isolate that one belief without adding on some of the implied political viewpoints, its radically different than what we are used to. Granted, Michael Moore highlights extremists but wow. Even traveling to the other side of our state can shed some light onto that point, but its just really interesting to contemplate the vastness of this country from a multicultural point of view. Along the same line is something I noticed when looking at all the red and blue lights on the big map of our country tonight. I'm saying this a little more caustically than objectively, but its an interesting observation nonetheless... The trend seems to be that the blue lights follow the white collars. Take Washington (Seattle), Illinois (Chicago) Pennsylvania (Philly), New York (New York), California, and much of the East Coast plauged by the Ivy League, the metropolitan voters... dare I say the educated voters... perhaps the college educated, the intellectual, the correct voters, all seem, or predominantly seem to hail from these areas of intellectual prosperity. Interpret that how you will...