Tuesday, November 30, 2004

If you are in the mood for a rant...

...and won't be insulted by some jabs at pro basketball players, humvee owners, Congressional Republicans, and American selfishness you may want to take a look at an op/ed piece written by Thomas Friedman for the New York Times last week. It has been making the rounds on the internet and I think a lot of people shared his outrage.

It's a good piece of writing and I'd say I agree with him about 75 - 80%. Let me know what you think.



Anonymous said...

that was potentially the most accurate description of what is wrong with this country. The love of money and the greed Americans are taught to apply to their lives is rampant in our society.
Friedman hits several nails on the heads by highlighting the corruption of political officials, who are threatening house members and trying to abuse their power to escape conviction of their own crimes. He mentions the glorification of professional athletes. I personally don't enjoy watching sports, so i really don't comprehend basketball players refusing twenty million dollars, claiming that that huge sum of money couldn't feed their own family, when twenty million dollars could probably feed all of Seattle for years. My favorite part was the Hummer- how can people truly believe these vehicles are "cool" when they are killing our environment, taking up way to much space, and, as Friedman pointed out, indirectly supporting "Arab regimes" which in the long run only fuel to hatred and violence toward America? Driving a Hummer is just about the least patriotic thing a person could do, but many are willing to go ahead and take the wheel to boost their own reputation. I just wish Americans learned to glorify what truly makes us great, such as willingness to serve our country, action to preserve our environment, and just general positivity instead of actions which are truly embarassing.
Megan Flaherty

Anonymous said...

I entirely disagree with this this is a one sided argument that make the republicans look bad!-Jacob Goss