Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A day at the polls

Well, the big day is here and it already looks like we will in fact have a record turnout for this election. I’m not going to make it to the polls until after school today. What has been your experience out there? Long lines? Anything unusual? Let me know.

It was really cool reading the posts from so many of you. I haven’t had a chance to respond much to people, but I really enjoyed hearing from you.

I’m going to try to post several times today, so visit this blog site early and often! Give me your comments as the day goes on….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I dropped off my own and my mom's absentee ballots at the King County admin building yesterday, and surprisingly, there was a steady stream of early voters dropping off their absentee ballots or requesting one.

I'll be out later today on the road waving signs, but I know I'll be preaching to the choir since Seattle University and its surrounding neighborhood is overwhelmingly Democrat. However, some signs have cropped up saying "Fuck the Vote- Come burn our voter registration cards on.. (date..time..)", pretending to be Anarchist signs that some speculate are not really Anarchists but Republicans trying to suppress the vote. I wouldn't be surprised.

It really amazes me how the same people claiming to be defending democracy by keeping Bush in office are fighting the most basic right of democracty (voting). It reminds me of this interview I saw of rapper P.Diddy by a FOX News(aka Faux News)reporter (Don't asky why I was watching conservative propaganda). P.Diddy said he was non-partisan and he just wanted to register voters under the slogan "Vote or Die"(his targets are the 40 million young voters and minorities), to which she replied, doesn't that mean you are supporting Democrats since you are targeting minorities and youth?

Hmm..Maybe the Republicans have cause to cringe everytime they see a non-white person vote, which is why they fought to have poll challengers in Ohio and some other battleground states...

I'll stop rambling...I'm realy nervous though very optimistic about the outcome. Hope everyone called their family members to remind them to vote by now. Kerry on!
