Friday, November 05, 2004

17 Reasons

Thanks to Yosef for posting Michael Moore's "17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists". (It is one of the 9 comments under the smiling picture of Bush.)

I appreciate you and the rest of the Kerry supporters sharing your grief. I, too, had some pretty depressed hours over the past few days. But hey, those of you Bush supporters, feel free to weigh in here! Maybe you can convince some of us that it really won't be so bad.

I mean, Ashcroft seems to be on his way out. That's a good start!


Anonymous said...

Yep. I am sad. My friends and I held a candle light vigil the night of the election, I did it to mourn the fact that my ovaries now belong to the federal government but drilling in Alaska and 11 states choosing to ban gay marrage would have been equally good reasons. I am told that the "morality" was the reason most people gave who voted for Bush, that means that 53% of the country has a moral compass completely oppsite to my own. A very scarry thought. Also, I heard that 54% of voters in this election were women. Clearly, I need to sit down and have a chat with the ladies of America. But I will save that lecture for a later entry.

Yet, I am not with out hope. I hope all of you have heard about Barrak Obama (he was the keynote at the DNC a while back), the overwhelmingly popular new senator for IL. He is probally the most energetic, compassionate liberal the Democratic party has going for it. I say every Democrat needs to write Obama and remind him that he cannot sit back and pass the time in his senate seat. Instead, Obama needs to work to represent all progressives, or as my Gay and Lesbian History prof put it "Obama needs to understand that he is no longer a liberal democrat but he needs to be a liberal campagin". I suspect Obama may run for the Presidency in 2012 and the dream of that has helped me survive these past few dark days in our country's history.

-Jessica Joslin MRWTP c/o 01
Northwestern University

Anonymous said...

I went to the protest bush/war demonstration in Seattle today... not sure what good it'll do, but nice to see such passion!

Crystal K.