Thursday, May 31, 2007

A win for the bosses and a loss for the workers?

The Supreme Court handed down an interesting ruling this week. A woman who had already won a lawsuit against the Goodyear Company for discrimination had her settlement money (over $300,000 dollars I think) taken away from her because, the Court reasoned, she waited too long to file the lawsuit.

On the face of it, I don't like this 5-4 ruling, but the news accounts I read really don't have all the facts of the case, so it is a little hard to say. Here is a link to the story. What do you think of the decision? Supreme Court Ruling Limits Time Workers Can Sue for Pay Discrimination

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think that the decision is a way out of a law suit. i think that they should be fully aware that it isn't right to pay someone less because of the gender, and they got out on a technicality. so she didn't file it right away, that doesn't mean that her case isn't valid anymore.