With a majority in Congress, you still don't necessarily get what you want under our Constitutional system. Many Democrats, believing that they could have a big impact on the direction of the Iraq war, are finding themselves frustrated by the President's veto of their Iraq spending bill that included deadlines for the beginning of withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. So, Senator Harry Reid, the Dem's majority leader has announced a bill to be considered by the Senate that drops most of what Bush objected to. What do you think of the bill Congress is considering this week? Would you vote for it if you were in Congress? What would be the political danger of voting either for or against it?
From Seattle Times: Democrats abandon push for Iraq deadline
From Seattle Times: Democrats abandon push for Iraq deadline
From New York Times: Democrats Pull Troop Deadline From Iraq Bill
posted by Alex Hunter 5/24
Commenting on "Democrats abandon push for Iraq deadline"
Reading this just makes me more mad and irritated with our current administration than I already am. The demcocrats are trying to step up and do something about or nation's many problems but nothing can happen because our president wont let it. It seems the president is just shooting these ideas and proposals down just because he can and by doing so sends these people "i have more power than you" messages. What i dont understand is if he is going to shoot down everyone else's plans and ideas, why doesnt he learn from them and make his own plans as far as the troops and war go, because obviously, things arent working out so well with what we are doing now.
Commenting about the Iraq deadline...I think its really upsetting that our executive branch and legislative branch haven't been working together successfully lately. When a president vetos a bill and threatens to veto another one that either means the president is doing something wrong or the congress is, in my opinion. I understand from one point of view that were so far in over our heads we can't just completely remove U.S. troops from Iraq without losing the war and a huge shoot to our countries pride. However on the other hand so many of our troops have been killed and no real progress has been made towards any type of peace in many months. I really don't agree with the majority of ideas brought up by President Bush and i don't understand why he wouldn't want to put a timeline on a war as influential as this because without a timetable or a specific date to motivate progress and end the war nothing is really going to get done. Its also really upsetting that democrats would feel so unimportant and helpless when it comes to this issue. Almost every citizen of the United States is suppose to be able to participate in government have help have their views heard and sometimes made public policy. But when things like this happen and it seems like the president is the ultimate decider and overrules the ideas brought by congress it makes it seem like our form of government isn't as idealistic as it was described in the Constitution which then leads me to believe that in the near future there may be ratifications made to improve the countrys well being when circumstances like this arise.
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