Friday, May 18, 2007

America's War on Drugs

I think we are making a lot of mistakes in the way we deal with drug offenders in the U.S. We spend a lot of money on sending non-violent offenders to prisons. Our prison population is huge and we still have lots of people using drugs and wasting good portions of their lives to addictions.

Jerry Large wrote a column that expressed a lot of the concerns I have about the way we deal with the problem of substance abuse in the U.S., including the implications for racial minorities, who are incarcerated at a much higher rate than the white population. Check out his column, and tell me what you think about it. Rescuing drug war's prisoners


Anonymous said...

current event #10

I agree with what Jerry Large is saying in his article about the differences between black men and white men who are getting charged with issues involving drugs. Although it is a sad and definately wrong thing, african-americas are being charged harder than white people, only because the court is assuming that they are more "violent". This issue is completely wrong and only based on racial views. You would think that Americans would like to see equality in the court system, but for the just to go and assume things about a different race and charge them harder just because their skin is a different color is absolutely wrong.

Anonymous said...

American's war on drugs is something that we need to look out for because it is affecting our society and our self.i agree with jerry large saying abouthow problem about abuse because of the use of drugs.we just need to do better with things then doing drugs.