Thursday, June 08, 2006

Lots Goin' On, and I Can't Keep up!

I've been mired in grading and the mundane tasks of life the last couple of days, and haven't had the time to really soak up some of the important and interesting events going on out there the last couple of days. I've only had time for headlines and such. Maybe some of you can suggest some good articles or Op/Ed pieces you have seen out there. The headlines that have caught my eye include:

Al-Zarqawi killed in Iraq by U.S. airstrike - the supposed leader of al-Quaeda in Iraq. This brutal guy use to like to have videotapes of hostage beheadings broadcasted on the internet. How will this impact the future of the Iraqi people and the fledgling political process? My guess is that we won't see much of a difference in the general level of violence over there.

A military officer from our own state of Washington is refusing to deploy to Iraq, because he objects to the war. Is he a courageous patriot pointing out the folly of our nation's misguided foreign policy, or a traitor to our military/nation. I'm going with the former.

Gay Marriage won't go away, and this morning's Seattle Times ran a cover story wondering what our State Supreme Court is doing sitting on the gay marriage cases that were argued in this state 15 months ago. Are they trying to find the "right" time to drop a bombshell decision?

I dunno. I'm tired and groggy and need some sleep. Sorry there aren't any links included in this post. I didn't bring my "A" game today...


Anonymous said...

I feel that the gay and lesbian communities should have the same rights as all of us no matter what i am glad that we are on our way to make that so in our state

Anonymous said...

I feel that this officer's refusal for deploy is an act of courage and shouldn't be discard as an act of "un-patriotism". This man has been in Iraq and has seen combat and knows a whole lot more than we do about the war. For all we know, the ones orchestrating this war could be making millions of this. My point is that we should turn our back on the officer's cries just because we feel that he has to do his duties and go back to war. The man has something to say against the war and it would contradict it if he went back to Iraq. If i were him, I'd take the jail time to make my point.
Abdul Bakouan
2nd Period