Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Flag Amendment Fails by One Vote

The Senate came one vote short of the necessary 2/3 to propose a Constitutional Amendment to allow Congress to pass a law banning the burning of the American Flag.

There were 66 votes in favor, one shy of the 67 needed out of the 100 in the Senate. The House had already passed the measure in 2005. (More here.)

I'm happy to see it fail, but unfortunately the close vote will probably mean that backers will bring it up again in the next Congress unless the Democrats do very well in the up-coming Congressional elections in November.

It is such a minor issue to make the subject of a Constitutional amendment.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) gave an unintentionally hilarious speech on the Senate floor during debate. He was very sanctimonious on the issue. I heard it on NPR, and Stephen Colbert ran a part of it on the Colbert Report. If I can find a link, I'll add it here.

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