Monday, June 26, 2006

Flag-Burning Amendment?

When was the last time you saw someone burn an American flag?

I have never witnessed it. Probably very few of you have ever seen it happen either. Yet, as if our nation is under attack from a wild horde of flag-burning arsonists, we now have the U.S. Senate set to debate the subject this week.

Why? Because in some states, political candidates think it will help win an election to be able to point out that "my opponent is for the burning of the American flag - just look at how he/she voted on the anti-flag burning amendment".

It is sad that candidates can still get away with such cynical politics in the year 2006. But no. Our Constitution, which has only been amended 17 times since 1791, isn't good enough for a bunch of conservative Republicans. They think that our sacred guiding document needs to get in the gutter with the most depraved politics of the day by attaching amendments to keep gays from marrying and flags from being burned.

The only way to stop this nonsense is by going to the polls and voting against candidates that have little but fear and manipulation to offer the average U.S. citizen.

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