Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary Wins Pennsylvania

Hillary Clinton won a convincing victory in the Pennsylvania primary tonight. The 10% margin of victory will energize her supporters and campaign donors. It will also ensure that the campaign between she and Obama will continue for at least a few more weeks.

Some Democrats are getting pretty nervous that this thing hasn't been settled yet and it may make it more difficult for the Democrats in the general election in November.
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

i think that Hilary winning over pennsylvania was a good way to take the lead. Although she shouldnt be getting so happy and making some somewhat hurtful statements cause it can hurt her in the polls, which it has. And even though Hilary is in the lead at the moment does not mean that it will stay that way because Obama can do wonders and bounce back just as easy, specially how he holds the lead in the total popular vote cast and in pledged delegates. i also think that this novembers election is goin to be a hard one because both candidates are both very skilled and people love em both.
-period 5 JM

Anonymous said...

hello there Corragio,
My opinion on the Obama vs. Clinton "battle" is that when the Democratic presidential candidate is chosen, the people that were hardcore Clinton or Obama voters might end up voting for Mcain. Not saying that Mcain isnt qualified for the job, i just think that stubborness could play a role in the upcoming election. Personally I believe that both of the Democratic candidates would be better than Mcain, but obviously its not up to me haha.

period 4, Kyle Johnson

Anonymous said...

Dear Ladiesman217,

I think that the competition between Barack Obama and Hillary clinton to become the democratic presidential candidate is exciting to watch and makes watching the presidenytial race more interesting. The tension and uncertainty of winning cause both candidates to always be on their feet, allowing the world to see a version of each candidate that we might face if one were to be elected to be president. This race between the two also brings the party harm though it cause division between the party which i think will ultimately hurt the democratics when the general election comes around. This rivalry is okay to have right now but the party needs to bond togther again for the general election and not forget who they are really trying to beat.

Anonymous said...

that last one was jeremy patocs btw

Love, Jeremy Patoc

Anonymous said...

Julie Soderlind P4

The Democratic nominee's race has become more about the reputation and image of the nominees and less about their political views and whats best for the country. When the presidents first started to "sell themselves" announcing why they were the best candidate I doubt they ever imagined the extent to which the campaigns would reach now. The financial support of the candidate should not determine their popularity and so I'm glad that the lesser funded candidate won a state. If the party would just pick one and start to focus on their personal views I think the country would loose interest in every remark out of their mouths and the battles they subtly wage with innuendo and hidden meanings.

Anonymous said...

well what i think is going to happen is that the race is going to continue to be very close, but people will continue supporting barack or clinton whoever there voting for, and wait it out tell the end. People will probably start getting anxious as in whos going to be representing the democratic party but will continue supporting. I agree with julie that this race is becoming more about there life and image that about their views. This could create people to get fed up with democrats and the general election. I see it as anything can go right now, and everything is up in the air.

Maggie Caetano