Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Rumsfeld-Piercing Questions

Our good friend Donald Rumsfeld is staying around for the second term at the request of President Bush. Is this bad for our troops? Rumsfeld was one of the big proponents of a smaller, lighter, and quicker military which proved to be good for invading a country, but really bad at occupying and subduing one. As soldiers keep dying, the misinformation from the Bush administration keeps coming.

I hope you all heard the exchange at last week's press conference in Kuwait. Rumsfeld was asked point-blank by soldiers about the lack of armor on Humvees with one reservist claiming that they had to go digging through local land-fills to find armor for their vehicles. (Click here to watch the clip.)

Rumsfeld's answer that the Army couldn't produce the vehicles any faster has proven to be quite misleading and suddenly the military is finding a way to produce 100 more armor plated Humvees per month. All politics aside, does anyone in the United States really believe the Bush administration is not lying to us about the war? Should Rumsfeld resign over this? Should Bush fire him? John McCain and former General Schwarzkopf blasted Rumsfeld on national T.V. over the weekend. What do you think about this?

If you want to read a good rant on this issue, check out the guest column in yesterday's Seattle Times by a local teacher and Vietnam veteran Steven Simpson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey corag,
i'm posting anonmysously out of laziness, but this is justin bell and i'll be there on the 21st. also, this whole lack of armor thing isn't that surprising, seems to fit right in with cutting funding to VA hospitals, and what seems to me to be almost a misunderstanding of how to run a military by the civilian side of the pentagon. my opinion is that rumsfeld is the wrong man for the job, always has been, and that the longer he's in power the worse things are going to get in iraq. changing him certainly isn't the whole answer to the problem, but it must be done before progress can be made.