Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gaza crisis: a crossroads for Obama

I think this commentary gets it right - it is time for the U.S. to ask Israel to share some of the blame for the tragedy of the Middle East and realize that even the use of overwhelming military force will not solve their security concerns in the long run - they are only making more enemies and radicals in the Arab world. True, Hamas is an organization that has not respected human rights of Israelis and has defied international law by its attacks on civilians, but Israel and the U.S. must facilitate talks.

Gaza crisis: a crossroads for Obama csmonitor.com

For some good background on this issue, here are some helpful resources:
Gaza: Why Israel and Hamas are trading rocket fire

Ezra Klein does a nice job on his blog of giving a short simple explanation of how each side finds the other at fault for starting the latest round of violence. Who Started It?

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