Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Were Attorney Firings Political?

And if so, should heads roll?

The flap over the firing of several U.S. attorneys has grown bigger this week, and it seems to have a strong connection to things that went down right here in Washington State after the close race for governor in 2004. One of those fired was John McKay, former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington. (Read below for details)

It has been front page news and these firings are looking more and more like they have been motivated by politics. One result is that several Democrats and one Republican in the U.S. Congress are calling upon Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez to resign, even though he testified before Congress and admitted mistakes were made.

Firings furor puts Gonzales on hot seat

McKay "stunned" by report on Bush

GOP chair called McKay about '04 election

Gonzales Vows to Fix Attorney System in Face of Criticism

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