Wednesday, February 02, 2005

State of the Union

Okay, the speech is tonight. Let me know what you think of what "W" had to say tonight. "Glittering generalities" or was there some substance? Sensible plan on Social Security or a false crisis being drummed up to privatize the system? A plan to get out of Iraq or wishful thinking?

By the way, call or e-mail your Senators now! Ask them to vote no on making Alberto Gonzales the new Attorney General! We don't need someone in that position that will play legal games with the definition of torture. We are supposed to be all about rights, due process, fairness. Send this guy back to Texas. He doesn't belong in OUR federal government - we have respect for the rule of law - we don't try to redefine it to torture prisoners. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


Mr. C said...

Oh, he is so hard to listen to -- struggling to e-nun-ci-ate the words in his speech.

Ah want to screw up the So-shul Shuh-khur-eh-tee sis-tum.

Anonymous said...

The senate must confirm Alberto Gonzalez. The Geneva convention doesnt aply to enemy combatants and thats the way it is. If they wanna play nasty then we oughta give em a taste of their own medicine

Anonymous said...

On the presidents speech: He gave the best speech ever and the Democrats who cannot face the rising problem of social security just because they want to keep it their issue are nothing more than obsructionalist sore loosers who cannot face defeat, not only do they not offer an alternative, but they continue the same rhetoric that caused the Republican majority to widen and the need for librals to face the music that they dont resonate with the American people. The same people who are calling Iraq a quagmire also called Afghanistan a gaugmire. They feed off failure because they dont want to admit defeat!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i honestly was able to listen to the man for only 30 seconds before i had to shut him off. i just later went online and read his speech notes instead of hearing him screw up every other word and grin at himself weasling his way back into the white house...