Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Doing the Right Things: An American Hero

A lot of citizens complain.

A lot of politicians talk.

But year in and year out, Senator Russ Feingold does something about the problems of America. No, I am not working in his campaign, but I think he is one of the most under-rated people in U.S. government.

Senator Russ Feingold is one of my heroes. He isn't particularly charismatic, but from everything I read about the man, he is one of the most visionary leaders in the Senate, and has more integrity than anyone I can think of in our federal government.

Feingold is, I suppose a liberal. (He has long championed fiscal restraint, and that puts him to the right of a lot of members of the Bush administration.) He is definately a Democrat from Wisconsin, and carrys on that state's legacy of progressivism. Here are a sampling of the causes he has championed: an end to the death penalty, campaign finance reform (he co-authored the bill with John McCain who got most of the publicity), he voted against Alberto Gonzalez and in 2001, said that we were rushing into passing the Patriot Act, and was the ONLY SENATOR that voted against it.

He has recently introduced three bills to curb the excesses of the Patriot Act.

He was a Rhodes Scholar and graduated from Harvard Law School. He has been in the Senate since 1992 and I hope he keeps fighting the good fight for a long time.

Check him out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amnesty Founder Dead at 81.

You can read the article at the link below. A great man who founded the organization we tried to support Tuesdays after school.


Find this article at: http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/02/26/amnesty.founder/index.html