Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Kerry-Edwards Ticket

Yesterday was a very good day for the Democrats. Let's face it, this year is all about beating Bush, and Edwards is going to help Kerry do just that. I was very worried he might choose his close friend Dick Gephardt, or someone else with which he had a longer personal relationship. But Kerry didn't make that political mistake.

The election is now the Democrats' to lose. Edwards can bring the charisma and "regular guy" appeal that Kerry lacks. He is intelligent and connects with audiences. He is a moderate (voted for the war in Iraq, pro-death penalty) and will force the Republicans to spend more time in money on Southern states they can't quite take for granted any more.

Like a lot of you, I've worked and voted for Democrats that were much closer to my solid left-wing ideals, but this year we understand that the stakes are too high not to go with a ticket that has lots of broad appeal.

We Democrats chose Kerry not because we loved him, but because we thought he could beat Bush. Kerry has now done us a favor in return by choosing his ex-rival Edwards, not because he loves him, but because he can help him win the election.

Or, as one Republican web-site has put it, is Edwards "a disingenuous, unaccomplished liberal and friend to personal injury trial lawyers."

What are your thoughts????

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