Thursday, July 01, 2004

Bush Administration Checked and Balanced!!

George Bush says that he does not read newspapers. He relies on others to keep him up to date on what is happening out there. Putting aside the obvious “Emperor’s New Clothes” analogies, I certainly hope that someone has kept him up to date on what has been going down at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Earlier this week, in three separate decisions, the Court struck down a basic operating principle of the Bush Administration’s war on terror; namely that the President has the authority to detain any person it claims to be a member of a terrorist organization. For almost two years we have seen an executive branch wield powers unparalleled in modern times. Many of us have been frightened at the growth of the new powers being exercised by this government. Many seemed to betray some of the most basic principles of our constitutional system.

Fortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court sent a very strong reality check to the White House in recently announced decisions.

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