Saturday, June 05, 2004

Why visit this site?

I have enjoyed teaching and working with so many great Mt. Rainier High students in my "We the People" classes over the past years. Unfortunately, it is pretty hard to keep up e-mail correspondence with more than a few of you, so I thought creating a web log might be a great idea for us to reconnect.

I thought it would be fun to have some "virtual" class discussions with you again. I'd like to invite you to share your views on current events with me and the rest of the alumni from my WTP classes.

During the summer I plan to post some questions and comments on the big questions facing our nation and the world, and I'd love to have you post yours here as well.

For the first topic though, I thought I would just send out a general question. I think it will be the first presidential election most of you will be able to participate in as voters. Are you excited about voting in the up-coming fall election? Do you like any of the candidates enough to work or contribute to their campaign? Or if not at the Presidential level, are you excited about any of the other races?

Let us know what you think, and feel free to give us a personal update on where you are and what you are up to these days!


Anonymous said...

To post a comment, just click on "comments" and then "post a comment". It will then give you the option of signing up with or in smaller font, to publish your comment anonymously. Feel free to post your comments either way. If you don't want to take the time to sign up, leave your name as a part of your comment so we know who's thoughts we are reading. I hope this is fun!
--Mr. C

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. C!!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to give a little hello and i think this whole blog thing is a great idea. In response to your question, indeed this is the first presidental election i will be able to vote in and i am looking foward to the act of voting, the candiates however i have mixed feelings. I used to be somewhat of an idealistic nader supporter but i have long since abandoned that for the practical kerry vote. I consider him to be somewhat of a disapointing choice but so long as he protects my right to chose and dosent drill away all of alaska i will learn to deal.

Additionally, I thought I would give a little update...I just finished finals yesterday so now i am happy to say i can return to the world of the living. As for the year, I am planning a student organized seminar on the history of Northwestern that i will be teaching in the winter, I joined a sorority: pi beta phi, I am the new president of women's co. (Northwestern's Feminist group), and I went to the March for Women's Lives in DC in April--defenately one of the most amazing experiences of my life. My classes are going well, i took an indenpendent study on the election of 1912 which i really enjoyed, my grades are not as high as i would like but it is a fact i am learning to live with. I am staying in Evanston this summer working at as an assistant to the history biblographer in the Northwestern University library and fundraising for BE HIV (Better living with HIV, a small aids advocacy non-profit in Chicago). I am also developing a strong interest in education policy and i currently have the Teach for America application sitting on my desktop. Wow so i guess that "little update" turned into a big one.

I really hope all is well with you Mr. C, and everyone else who cares to read. I hope you all have a wonderful summer and best of luck with finals, grading or whatever it may be that for you wraps up the year. I will be home for a week or so in Aug. and I would love a chance to see you if you are not too busy.

Take Care,
Jessica Joslin