Sunday, February 07, 2010

A Health-Care Summit?

President Obama has called for a televised, bi-partisan, half-day health care summit. Clearly, Obama is trying to move the momentum back toward passage of health care reform after its chances were diminished by Republican Scott Brown becoming the 41st Republican Senator, and making it possible for Republicans to filibuster any health care bill they don't approve of in the Senate.

My first take is that this is a smart move on the part of the Obama Administration. He came off looking very good in his exchange with House Republicans during an hour-long televised Q & A session a week and a half ago. I think the chances of Obama winning over more public support by engaging with Republicans in an open, televised, give-and-take are very good.

We need health care reform to pass, we can't do nothing. It is costing us too much in money and in the quality of life for too many Americans. If Obama can pull of this summit (how can the Republicans really say no?) he will greatly increase the prospects of passage of health care reform legislation.

The President made his invitation in a pre-Super Bowl interview with Katie Couric of CBS News:

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