Friday, October 02, 2009

A Question of Congressional Power

Part of the health care reform bills making their way through Congress right now have stirred a Constitutional debate: Does Congress have the power to require individuals to buy health insurance? A very good analysis of the issue was done by the non-partisan What do you think?

Health Care Overhaul: Constitutional? |

1 comment:


This article is perfect for Unit 4. It discusses the powers given to Congress and how they can be misinterpreted or manipulated. Yes, the Constitution does not directly say that Congress does not have the right to regulate healthcare, but they do have power to make laws. They are trying to give everyone healthcare and get rid of the private healthcare organizations. I do not think that this is misusing their rights because they are not making such extreme choices that the country will fall apart and they are attempting to solve a very important issue. Also, it menttions in the article that this bill has "the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that has ever occurred." which is an example of how Congress is not trying to take over.

Sydney Codd
period 1