Sunday, September 27, 2009

Glenn Beck speaks to 7,000 at Seattle

I have to admit I haven't watched or listened to that much of Glenn Beck. But with all the publicity he has received lately, I've become more aware of both the style and substance of his politics.

Local News | Beck speaks to 7,000 at Seattle: 'The American people have not surrendered' | Seattle Times Newspaper

What really gets me about some of the commentators like Glenn Beck is that only 9 months into the Obama administration, they are ranting and raving about the American people losing their country to the monstrous liberal policies of the Obama administration.

There is one very important logical flaw in all that lies behind all that flows from Beck's exhortations to "take back America" and that is that the American people, after the longest campaign in history, elected Barack Obama president by a very wide margin.

Obama was clear about the direction in which he would lead America: out of Iraq, toward universal health insurance coverage, greater regulation of business that emit carbon dioxide that contributes to global warming, and toward greater regulation of Wall Street financial institutions that recklessly drove our economy off a cliff into a recession.

If Obama's agenda is enacted, that simply means that representative democracy still works in America. If Glenn Beck has a problem with fair elections, representative democracy that carries out the will of the people, and a president trying to enact the program he ran on, then I think he and other like him, need to come to grips with what living in a republic is all about - sometimes you lose elections, because the old ideas and ways of doing things were rejected by the people.

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