Thursday, October 09, 2008

Shame on University of Texas!

This is totally ridiculous! And, students wanting to hang pro-Republican signs can't either.

Something is seriously wrong in Texas!

Texas students punished for Obama signs
University says it has a policy against political signs in dorm windows

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. C - still having some trouble with the Yahoo site, so I'll leave my thoughts on the last Presidential debate here.

I'll admit, I was proud of McCain at the start of the debate. He was smiling, making positive gestures, and overall acting like a better speaker. He also addressed Obama's attempts to paint him as 4 more years of George Bush quickly and directly. However, that is not enough in this political climate. Any situation where Obama emerges without a significant loss is a win for him, and McCain just couldn't force him into a gaff.
Obama has "stayed the course" and made no significant statements, just coasting his popularity and policies. And that seems to be enough for him. He has slight leads in several of the battlegroud states, and is neck and neck with McCain in the others. He will most likely repeat what happened during the democratic nomination race: winning big in the states he wins, and using the proportional nature of the Electoral college to absorb any losses.

- Allen Smith, esq.