Saturday, September 27, 2008

Will the Media Please Tell Me What to Think About the Debate I Watched Last Night?

Both campaigns know it is important to tell American voters what to think about the debate they did (or did not) watch last night. As the New York Times notes, there is:

a common belief in presidential politics: That many viewers base their judgment not necessarily on debate performance but on what they read and see in the days

So, hopefully lots of people will think for themselves, and not let the pundits or the campaigns do it for them.

However, if you are a political junkie like me, you know that how people perceived the debate will some effect on the outcome of the race, so I've been watching the analysis appearing in the media closely.

A sampling of some of the analysis from the media:
The Next Day, a New Debate on Who Won NYTimes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey MrC,

mattison and i watched it on youtube and discussed it, we decided that we dont like how dishonest and mudslinging our political system is, the way that they accuse each other of doing all these terrible things oh the humanity! when you know the other candidate has a justification for their decision, i dont know why it cant be about whats best for our country and not a personal blast session. i get so tired of listening to that that its sometimes hard to pick out the important points they are making.... anyway thats my shpiel.
