Friday, May 09, 2008

Does Obama Have the Nomination Locked Up?

After winning decisively in the North Carolina primary, and finishing a close second in Indiana, it looks almost impossible for Hillary Clinton to catch up to Obama. The race isn't over yet, but things continue to go Obama's way. Here is the latest:

Obama hauls in 9 superdelegates - The latest numbers are included in this article as of 3:00 pm on Friday


Anonymous said...

i think obama is going to win the democratic party. not only does he have the support of the black community, but also the younger generation. he has had a good strategy of making himself very visible in places where a younger group of people will see him, like myspace. he is alllll over the place on there. and he also strategically involves himself in things that younger people are interested in.
-kelly macdonald

Anonymous said...

i beleive that obama has the democratic bid locked up for sure. I think that he is just more popular overall not only with what he is presenting to do in his term as president but he has every age group voting for him. i think he has won over every ethnicity group with the subjects he plans to do. i think he has doen alot more advertising then any other candidates which is helping him alot with making people getting to know him and interested in what he is doing. even teenagers are interested in obama whether they are wearing his t shirts or staying up on the political race. abama will win the democratic bid and hopefully he will become the nest president of the united states.
kyle ehlers

Anonymous said...

Baring a series of overwhelming victories for Clinton, Obama will be the Democratic Nominee. when he wins a state, he wins by 10+ percent, while Clinton usually leads by 5 percent in the states she wins. Obama has inevitability: as long as he stays the course, his victory is almost assured. However, the real question is "how badly is Clinton hurting the Democrats by refusing to give up?"
-Allen Smith, esq.

Anonymous said...

I dont believe Barack Obama has the nomination "locked up", yet but i think he has a better chance of winning against Hillary. He has more total delegates than her and is closing the gap with the amount of superdelegate. If the trend continues he should lead in just about all categories. He even has taken superdelegates from Hillary, which might show the direction of which he is going in. This superdelegate saw that Obama was on the rise and wanted to change who he supported. That is only understandable not to say that is jumping on the bandwagon but why would someone want to waste their support on someone they felt was going to lose. Also with the major states put of the way, i'm not even sure if Hillary could realistically catch up any longer. Unless she swept the rest of the states. Which is highly unlikely since she wouldn't even get all the total delegates from each state she won due to the democratic process of awarding the delegates proportionally, rather than having a winner takes all situation. I dont think Hillary is out yet but i think she is getting pretty close.

-Jeremy Patoc

Anonymous said...

the race right now is super close, but i would not say for sure that obama is going to take it all, you never know what could happen. i personally think that Obama will win, but you never know. As of right now, Obama has 1,859.5 delegates and Hilary has 1,697. Obama is only 2,025 delagtes away from winning it all. the race may be close, but you cant be to sure whos going to end up taking it all in the end.

per. 4
maggie caetano

Anonymous said...

I dont think we know for sure who will take this years win for president yet, well for sure.I mean Obama is in the lead with his delegates with 1,859.5 delgeates and Hillary folleing him with 1,697 out of the 2,025 delegates needed total. I do beeive that Obama has a better chance of winning becasue of his lead, but we cannot determine yet who will take the win. The campaign started with Hillary in the lead and Obama following her, but since everyone is thinking well Obama is turning this all around leading everything and doing this and that they are all automaticalaly presumeing that he is taking it. I would love it if he did, but I dont think that we should make these early predictions and guesses when we do not know for sure.But according to the people of the United states everyone is excited to see Obama lead the country becasue of his fresh mind and his want of change unlike Clinto wh oto everyone seems like another typical president. This is what seperates them from eachother, and why I beleive he is closer to winning the campaign than Hillary.

Hellen p4