Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the democratic debate

hey everyone so i was watching the damocratic debate tonight and well it was definitely intense to say the least. as most already know, i am a barack obama supporter so i was already biased twoards him but the debate made me love him that much more. hillary just seems like too much of a politician to me. she never really made a direct answer to anything. The subject of NAFTA expecially. obama seemed straight forward the whole time. hillary seems to be getting scared because obama is doing so well. also on the healthcare issue which has been a hot one for a while now, obamas seemed to make a whole lot more sense. hilliary was trying to argue that obama is going to force parents to insure there children but what is so wrong in that? shes going to force everyone to have insurance lol. oh but THE ABSOLUTLY MOST IMPORNTANT thing that i noticed was that......... BARACK OBAMA IS LEFT HANDED! just like me =D that won my vote lol

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