Friday, June 01, 2007

Sick of the Iraq War?

If you are, you will likely appreciate this commentary I ran across by Jim Hightower, who calls himself a populist. If you remember the term, you will recognize the tone of populism in his commentary.

Can You Believe This War Is Still Going On?


Anonymous said...

alex hunter says...
commenting on "Sick of the Iraq War?"

I am completely sick of this war, its horrible. I feel like all of the lives being lost and economy of the country going down is not worth this war. If someone i were close to lost their life in this war i would feel like it was for nothing, its not worth fighting for. We are not only hurting ourselves but Iraq, less and less of their children are being educated because of this war and we are responsible for that. i dont understand why it keeps continuing when everyone seems to be suffering rather than benefiting from it.

Anonymous said...

current event #12

i never agreed with this war when it all began and i still don't. there is nothing good about it, and all it's doing is putting the lives of innocent americans, and iraqui's at risk. i personally believe that this thing is president bush's fault, and he should be doing all that he can to bring the troops home and get them out of iraq. we could be doing such great things in iraq, helping the children and educate all of the people that want it. clean up the country and promote the common good for everyone. i know that most americans are not behind this war, and i know that most of them never ever will be.