Monday, September 05, 2005

Who is to blame for unpreparedness?

I haven't posted anything on Hurricane Katrina yet.

It has been hard for me to say in a short space everything that I would like to say on the subject. It has been horrible to see the suffering and agony of the citizens of the Gulf Coast. Like a lot of Americans, we sent in a contribution to the Red Cross and wish we could do more.

Like a lot of Americans, my family watched in horror as people died, mourned, and waited and waited and waited for help that didn't seem to be coming.

There was a lot more that should have been done at all levels of government, but I found myself most angry and appalled by the lack of response by the Bush administration in the first days of the tragedy. With the thoughts constantly in the back of my mind about all the money, servicemen, and equipment we have in Iraq, I wondered where are the choppers, the transport planes, the ships, the military, FEMA, etc.

Finally, some help has made a dent in some of the human suffering, but how many died and will continue to suffer grief and loss because precious days and hours were wasted? Why did it take the mayor and other people from the region to be yelling and swearing and begging for help for there to be a response equal to the need? Did race and poverty play a role?

I'm not sure whether or not race did, but I certainly think this tragedy exposed the ugliness of the poverty we have allowed the U.S. economic system to perpetuate. People suffer needlessly all the time in the United States because of their economic situation. We need to do more for our poor. The wealthy don't need a permanent estate tax cut (for just one example).

If these events don't make Americans wake up to what is going on around them, I don't know what will.

What are you reactions? Do you find fault with the government's response? Who is to blame? How have your reacted to the suffering you have seen.

Share your comments and thoughts with me.

UPDATE: Sept. 6 - 6:15am
There are lots of people criticizing Bush and the governement out there, but here is one well-respected journalist Tim Russert:

“Matt, something terrible happened here – the fact is state, local and federal government did not protect its people. It’s why governments were created.”
-Tim Russert, NBC News – September 6, 2005

and the conservative Wall Street Journal editorial page printed this:

“…Voters will forgive a President many mistakes, but no leader can survive a public judgment that he is unsure of himself and hostage to events…
-Wall Street Journal

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