Tuesday, March 15, 2005

10,000 dying each month in Darfur, U.N. says

Never again.

This is what the world says each and every time an act of genocide or mass killings occur. But the promise and the pledge have fallen through yet again in Africa.

The United Nations has just confirmed what many who have been studying the problem in the Darfur region of Sudan have been saying in recent months, that the death toll is much higher than the official toll of 70,000 that is most commonly reported.

Since last March, it is estimated that 180,000 have died from disease and starvation alone. That number does not include those killed outright by the armed militia or janjaweed that prowl the Darfur, Sudan.

Call our Senators today and ask them to vote in favor of the Darfur Accountability Act. There are many other things you can do by making our representatives in government put this tragedy on the agenda. See Amnesty International's Sudan page for information and its "Sudan Action" page for letters you can sign and send today.

Let's do more than just sit by, watch and repeat the phrase "never again".

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