Across the nation, on the day of the deadline to file tax returns with the federal government, "Tea Parties" were organized to protest taxes.
Mostly, these protesters were protesting the stimulus plan of the Obama administration as well as other budgetary and economic policies of the President. While I applaud anyone for exercising their political rights, I really didn't see the point of these "tea parties" which seemed pretty lame. The organizations supporting these tea parties complain about high taxes, but don't offer any practical solutions to the severe economic problems our nation is facing.
The simple fact is this: If people aren't spending money, banks aren't lending money, and businesses are cutting back on production, someone has to step in and fill the void or our economy will continue to spiral downward. Now is the right time for government spending to pick up the slack, and jump-start the economy on a road to recovery.
President Herbert Hoover tried doing little at the start of the Great Depression in the 1930's. It didn't work then, and it's not a good idea now.
Read up on the protests and let me know what you think. From the New York Times:
Tax Day Is Met With Tea Parties
From the Seattle Times: Despite "tea party" tempest, taxes down, dropping
Thousands in
I don't think protesting against Obama's administration stimulus packacke would result in any change on whether it is passed or not so I do not think the Tea Party protest is effetive at all. However I don't think the Stimulus package should be passed beacuse all it does is put America farther in debt spending 825 billion dollars on his stimulus package. I am a student in high school and I know that I currently have a great education and a good program being in public school. However Obama's administration wants to make huge increases in federal spending on education. Also how are more people going to get jobs when the stimulus package creates increased benefits for the unemployed, it seems the package creates a better reason for the unempolyed to stay unemployed. Also if we keep spending so much money and going farther into debt then there is no way to improve the economy. What we need is for the unemployed to take whatever job they can to provide a living for themselves all it takes is a good work ethic to keep a job and then our economy can improve but when many don't do their civil duty we can't improve.
James McLean
I agree with James on the current economic crisis. That the only answer to this crisis is for the unemployed to get off their butts, stop blaming other people for stealing their jobs and go out into the world and find a new one. The also side with the protesters on the bases that this stimulus package will only drive us deeper in debt. Although it is true that Pres. Obama told america that things would be worse before they got better, that all depends on the will of the citizens of these United States to take action and responsibility and work. America needs to realize that getting laid off or fired just means the job you were at was not the job you were ment to do.
Mark Bello
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