But that is an issue of a school dress code (and me not wanting to see anyone's underwear) on a school campus.
What about in public? That is the basis of a lawsuit playing itself out in Florida. Check out the article for details and give me your opinions.
Ban on Drooping Drawers Faces Legal Challenge
A similar ban exists in Flint, Michigan. Here is a drawing the police came up with to help people abide by the law:

Having a law against sagging pants is completely ridiculous. As long as your body is still covered up it shouldn't matter how you wear your clothes. Even if most people in the city don't like it there is nothing in the constitution that makes it illegal. In fact it goes against the constitution to tell people how and how not to dress. If the people really don't like it, it's not as if they are being forced to look they can just turn the other way.
Alex Sinon Current Events 6
I totally disagree with this law. I cannot believe that they are taking the right away from people on how they are allowed to dress or not. Yes, I'm not a big fan of the sagging pants, but if a kid wants to wear his pants that low and embarress himself, let him. Its not hurting anyone. I think this goes against our freedom and our rights as citizens becuase they are banning something that isnt hurting or offending anyone. I understand that dress codes apply in high schools but to ban wearing bagging pants down the street shows that becuase the gov. doesn't like a style, they can make law against it. And making people pay a fine!? This scares me. What if they choose to ban tank tops next? Or short shorts? Who knows what the gov. will decide next.
I'm glad to see a law like this passed. I'm sick of seeing all these hoodlums running around with their pants around there ankles. Sure it goes against freedom of expression laws, but I think violating due process is worth it to make these kids pull up there pants. I mean come on no one wants to see another persons butt hanging out like that, it's just so disrespectful...
-Dylan Dislers
i think that this isn't fair because they are taking away a right from the mens and guys to wear what they want to wear. maybe it's not a god thing to see if their pants are really low, but it's still wrong to make a law against it. Like how there's "life, liberty, and property" their taking away the right to do what they want. because if they ban sagging pants then there are other clothing that are way worse than sagging pants so how come they're going against a guys sense of style? there are other worse clothing that they should be banning but yet they want to ban a simple thing. i think it's wrong and that they shouldn't do that cause that's taking the right away from expressing who you are.
Nga N.
2np period
current event #6
i think that this isn't fair because they are taking away a right from the mens and guys to wear what they want to wear. maybe it's not a god thing to see if their pants are really low, but it's still wrong to make a law against it. Like how there's "life, liberty, and property" their taking away the right to do what they want. because if they ban sagging pants then there are other clothing that are way worse than sagging pants so how come they're going against a guys sense of style? there are other worse clothing that they should be banning but yet they want to ban a simple thing. i think it's wrong and that they shouldn't do that cause that's taking the right away from expressing who you are.
Nga N.
2np period
current event #6
I definatly dissagree with this new law. I think that it is wrong for a city to tell people how to dress in public. I would understand if these people were just wearing their underwear or naked, but they are completly covered. If somone wants to walk around with their boxer shorts showing they have that right, it is a way to express themselves. Everyone has the right to wear what ever they want in public as long as they are not naked. How can they have a law that says you can't sag your pants and show your underwear, but women can walk around in piblic showing half their chest. People say they don't want to see other peoples underwear hangin out of their pants than they should just walk the other way and not look, no one is making them look. Everyone has the right and freedom to wear and show expression how every they want.
Brigette Battle
current event #6
2nd period
I disagree with this law because I believe people should be able to wear what ever they want and how they want. People have the right of life, liberty, and property and this law is affecting this. I think everyone should have right of freedom to wear what they want. I think if people have a problem with how other people wear there clothes they should not look. This also deals with the freedom of expression because some people express themselves with the clothes they wear. This law is ridiculous. That is why I disagree with this law.
Spencer Truong
period 5
current events #6
I think that this is redonc coraggio.I think that it should be impossible to set a dress code on a state. Like you said, at school its totally understandable when a kid gets told to pull his pants up,but it should not be possible to tell people they can't wear their clothes in a certain way. as long as the person has clothes on i dont think its fair to be told how to wear it. I can only imagine how many people in Florida that think this is an outrage. I would protest this for sure. I LIKE MY PANTS EXTRA LOW.
Dylan Evans.Current events 6.
i think that its really rediculous that a state makes a dress code for the comunity. one reason is because to some individuals it's a way to show their personality and who they are. but i understand the code at school. i think that it would be taking peoples rights away. one thing i dont get is that girls can practically be nude and a little skin on the low back or but area is illegal. it just doesnt make sense. i can understand why some individuals would be outraged. to tell you the truth i think that it is comfortable to have your pants a little bit down. LET THEM HANG!!
current event #6
having a law against sagging pants is rediculous. i mean its only a fashon style. at least ypur only seeing their boxers what about some girls with extreamly short skirts or their really low cut shirts. also this is vialting their right to the pursuit of happyness. if they ban this whats the next rediculos thing they are going to ban. again everyone has the right to were what they want its their desition and if the governments bans this then they are going against the constitution.
Mickey Gould
Curret event #6
period 5
I have seen many guys sagging and I’ve also seen many girls with short shorts and low tops, see this is what doesn’t make since to me, why just guys? so people are tired of looking at guys boxers? but not girls butts hanging out or their chest hanging out of their shirt? i mean if you are going to address one part of the problem you need to address the other. It's not fair. And the fact they are cracking down on what people wear to me is dumb. Aren’t we supposed to be the free country? And now we are talking about controlling what people look like? The one thing that people have to express themselves? I just don’t think this makes any sense at all. I think they have gone over board with this. In the constitution we have the freedom of speech which to me reads as freedom of expression. and the right to the pursuit of happiness. They can’t take that away from us.
Heather Kraemer
Current event #6
I’m appalled by this. Many people express themselves through the clothes they wear. One’s dress attire is just like someone’s hair style or car they drive. They send a message about the person. Clothing often portrays a person’s opinions as well, thus clothing falls under the First Amendment which states we have freedom of speech. Not to mention the banning of sagging pants is all based off opinions. Mayor Thomas Masters was quoted saying “just got tired of having to look at people’s behinds or their undergarments”. Where’s the argument and facts behind that? My response to Mayor Masters is that if it’s that big of a deal stop looking at boy’s butts!
Kellen O'Hara
Current Events #6
I also agree that this ordinance is a violation of a citizen’s constitutional rights and guarantee’s. Not only does this ordinance violate one’s freedom of expression, in the case presented in the article it also mentioned that since the passing of the ordinance, the majority of those arrested for the violation were African-American. This added aspect of discrimination is a violation of the 14th amendment of the U.S. constitution, which states that no State shall pass or enforce a law that discriminates against anyone on the bases of skin color, or nationality. This is a violation of the constitution and the national government must repeal any law that is similar to this. Laws concerning how people dress and look should never be considered ever.
Mark Bello
Per. 5
Current Events #6
This is a so stupid! They do not have the right to tell people what they can and cannot wear. I think that the poster the Flint Police Department poster is a great way to discourage people from sagging their pants. The indecent exposure part is definitely something that needs to be taken care of, I think it should be against the law. It is indecent exposure and really no one wants to see your butt. But this does go against peoples right of freedom of expression.
Lindsay Culver
I believe this ordinance violates the freedom of expression and this should not be passed as a law. Yes, they should pull up their pants but their skin is still covered up and they should not be legally punished because if that were appropriate, then many other people will be punished for other clothing and the world will eventually have a dress code. I think the rule is appropriate in schools but i do not think it is indecent exposure ni public. Eventually those boys will grow up and mature and learn that wearing your pants low isnt cool.
sydney codd
period 3
current events #6
i dont agree with this because the guys should have the right to dress like they want. and by having them wear their jeans better will take there rights. they do wear there pants really low but its there way to dress and should stay like that.
`Joanna Izazaga~
5th period
current event #6
I think that a law against a person’s freedom to dress the way they want to is ridiculous. Especially considering that most mens underwear is no more revealing than things that some people would wear with nothing over them. I can understand a law against showing buttocks because that has to do with the law against indecent exposure but I don’t see how seeing another layer of clothing under a person’s clothing is offensive or potentially illegal. I also think that the seriousness of the punishment for this “crime” is ridiculous; 93 days to a year in jail and up to $500 in fines?! A small fine may be reasonable but not a $500 one. This new law also makes me think about the amount of power our government has. It just goes to show that if they want something to happen (or in this case not happen), they can do it regardless of how ridiculous it is and how against our rights it is.
Current events #7
Keegan Malmanger
This is total bullsh*t that a law like this is even under discusion, this is some big brother sh*t. Next they will be tell us what pants to wear. This is limiting freedom, indecent exposure is one thing, but getting a legal warning for showing your underwear is rediculous.
-Megan Amacker
I think this is a terrible law. People have the right of life, liberty, and property. This law is limiting our freedom. This also should not be passed because it violates the freedom of expression. People should have the right to wear what they choose. This law would be going against the constitution because it denies a freedom which deals with expressing.
Kyle Danielson
Period 5
Current event #1
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