Monday, April 27, 2009
WA Legislature Done...Maybe
State Lawmakers May Go Into Special Session
Also, here is a listing of some of the key bills, besides the budget, that did pass.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Liz Cheney Tries to Defend Her Father's Role in Approving Torture
Just as a preview - she bases a lot of her argument on the contention that waterboarding and other techniques approved by our former Vice-President were not torture. Unbelievable!
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The Recession Hits WA State Budget Hard
I hope to add more to this posting later, but here is the latest from the Seattle Times:
State budget slices billions, pain spread around | Seattle Times Newspaper
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Justices Hear Arguments on Strip Search of a Minor in School
Friday, April 17, 2009
Torture Memos - Obama's Controversial Decision
- the release of previously classified documents and memos detailing the harsh interrogations (or torture if you see it that way) conducted by the C.I.A. during the Bush years; and
- not prosecuting members of the CIA that were carrying out methods which the Bush White House deemed to be legal (but may in fact NOT have been legal).
Memo Says Prisoner Was Waterboarded 183 Times -
Pressure Grows to Investigate Interrogations
"Day of Silence" for gay rights draws controversy

Of course there are people that are still not accepting of gay rights, and one parent at Mt. Si High School has made this an issue in recent years. His story is below. For more on the National Day of Silence, click on this link.
Local News Activists oppose schools' "Day of Silence" for gay rights Seattle Times Newspaper
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Right to Wear Sagging Pants???
But that is an issue of a school dress code (and me not wanting to see anyone's underwear) on a school campus.
What about in public? That is the basis of a lawsuit playing itself out in Florida. Check out the article for details and give me your opinions.
Ban on Drooping Drawers Faces Legal Challenge
A similar ban exists in Flint, Michigan. Here is a drawing the police came up with to help people abide by the law:

Tax Day Protests

Across the nation, on the day of the deadline to file tax returns with the federal government, "Tea Parties" were organized to protest taxes.
Mostly, these protesters were protesting the stimulus plan of the Obama administration as well as other budgetary and economic policies of the President. While I applaud anyone for exercising their political rights, I really didn't see the point of these "tea parties" which seemed pretty lame. The organizations supporting these tea parties complain about high taxes, but don't offer any practical solutions to the severe economic problems our nation is facing.
The simple fact is this: If people aren't spending money, banks aren't lending money, and businesses are cutting back on production, someone has to step in and fill the void or our economy will continue to spiral downward. Now is the right time for government spending to pick up the slack, and jump-start the economy on a road to recovery.
President Herbert Hoover tried doing little at the start of the Great Depression in the 1930's. It didn't work then, and it's not a good idea now.
Read up on the protests and let me know what you think. From the New York Times:
Tax Day Is Met With Tea Parties
From the Seattle Times: Despite "tea party" tempest, taxes down, dropping
Thousands in
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Unemployment up in WA State
Washington's economy is deteriorating at a pace not seen since modern record-keeping began more than three decades ago, according to the latest state jobs report.

Somali Pirate Update
In Rescue of Captain, Navy Kills 3 Pirates
How Navy snipers saved captain
The lifeboat containing the tied-up U.S. ship captain and Somali pirates had been bobbing in the water for five days, stalked by a small...
Maersk Alabama crewmen describe how they outfoxed Somali pirates
The crew of 19 — hailing from India, Poland, Detroit — had joined wills to thwart the first attempted hijacking of an American vessel at sea in at least two centuries.
Afghanistan's women rights in danger
It was a disaster for the rights of women, who were no longer allowed to work, attend school, or go out in public unless wearing a full burka. One of the postitive developments of the new government installed after the invasion was that many of the rights of women were restored.
But now....a new law was passed and signed by President Harmid Kharzai which will place new restrictions on women. Read on to discover what basic rights of women this law would infringe upon:
On a related subject, because of the war and other harsh conditions, about 1 in 7 Afghan women are widows. Unfortunately, these widows are often denied basic human rights by a society that shuns them as outcasts.
Click on the following link to watch the video from the New York Times:
A Man's World
After three decades of war, Afghanistan is one of the world's widow capitals. They are ridiculed as prostitutes when they go shopping, and many are unable to rent their own homes.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
What's the deal with pirates?
Somali pirates hijack U.S. ship | Seattle Times Newspaper
Piracy: Somali path to power, prosperity
For young Somalis, piracy offers a life of adventure and money: At sea, they are armed with automatic weapons, rockets and grenades. On land, they are a cross between a town official and a gangster rapper — with grand houses, luxury cars and beautiful wives.
Obama makes trip to Iraq
In Iraq, Obama underscores support for troops |
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Recent Deadly Shootings
In recent rampages, killers had permits for guns
Despite eight rampages that have killed 57 people in a month, state gun-control laws appear to be easing — not getting tougher.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Obama Speaks Out Against Nukes as N. Korea Fires Missle
First a background report, then some remarks on nuclear weapons from President Obama who condemned the N. Korean launch.
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From a speech in Prague:
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Friday, April 03, 2009
Gay Marriage to Become Legal in Iowa

I was taken by surprise by this news, and as a supporter of gay marriage, I'm happy to read that the unanimous verdict by the Iowa State Supreme Court included the following:
“We are firmly convinced the exclusion of gay and lesbian people from the institution of civil marriage does not substantially further any important governmental objective....We have a constitutional duty to ensure equal protection of the law.”
The Court based it's decision on the following clause of the Iowa Constitution:
All laws of a general nature shall have a uniform operation; the general assembly shall not grant to any citizen or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, upon the same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens.You can read the news story here: Iowa Court Voids Gay Marriage Ban -
Some basic Q & A about the ruling and what may happen next can be found at