Six days after the disaster, relief aid has been delivered to only 220,000 of anRead the full article: 'Nightmare' in Myanmar aid relief
estimated 1.9 million people in need, the Red Cross says.
Also, for background on the military junta that runs Myanmar you can check this out: Fact file: Myanmar's junta.
I believe the government of Burma is being selfish and the people of this area deserve their human rights which can be more easily satisfied with the help of aid agencies. Burma's government is taking to much time and not allowing aid agencies to give and bring sufficient supplies into the needy area. With practically no air support and not very many boats, their biggest problem is transportation of these supplies. I think they should allow other nations and organizations to help them with these problems and stop trying to do it all on their own. Many lives are at stake and they should do whatever possible to supply help as soon as they can.
-Tucker Rockwell
i really truly do not understand why the burmese goverment is preventing aid from outside sources to get to its civilians. it's just absolutely ridiculous they they've helped so few of their people, and are leaving so very many homeless, foodless, and waterless. and not only that, but that their own water in rivers and such isn't even sanitary. i took a look at the slideshow and i was devastated when it got not only to dead water buffalo on the water, but to human beings. it got me so sick to my stomach that i had to exit out of the window. their government obviously is going not only against the well being of its citizens once again, but also against the wishes of the UN, and i think they simply need to take a chill pill, quit being so paranoid, and let aid come to its people.
While it is a terrible tradgedy and I dont want to seem cynical or like I dont care about these people in extreme devastation, I think it would be valuble to look at how our own govenment would handle the situation. I doubt if we had a major disaster that Bush would want any other countries coming into the US to help out and give aid. Look at katrina, we dint even give our own people the relief they needed, would we have allowed another country to cross our borders to help? I have serious doubts that we would. We are so quick to judge the Burmese government, and by all means do, they are commiting heinous crimes against their own people but I think it is important to understand that allowing another country into their own threatens their control which is teetering already. I dont know that if they were a more stable government that they would still keep the US and other countries offering aid out.
The Burmese government seems to be acting in egotistical manner, like they dont really need the help they are being offered. I think they need to reassess the situation, a huge natural disaster has just hit and getting help to those who need has become a crisis as well. Does the government really not care about its people that much. When you are suffering this much its time to swallow the pride that is preventing the proper assistance. I mean the situation is already bad enough with countless homeless people, stranded, hungry and sick who can't even be reached because of the lack of transportation. The help that is there shouldn't be interfered with i bet they know much more about dealing with disasters than the Burmese dictators do, seeing as how its the relief peoples jobs to aid those in need. To me it seems like a simple choice get some help and get back on your feet or watch your country crumble even more.
-Jeremy Patoc
Well I actually enjoyed reading what other people had to say and I agree with some and disagree with some. In comparsion to our country, the thing that makes our country completely different than any other is our econmy is way higher than other countries, especially Myanmar, which is why us helping their country is way more realistiv than another country helping ours. This is why I beleive that people forget the main idea, to help those in need. Our country def does need help with what happened with Katrina, but honestly, we can support our country to change what happened to that disaster if we wnated, unlike Burma, where their governement is being so ignorant, and not wanting to take help when they really dont have any other way of suppoting thweir country. Its more of an pride thing than something that they are like" oh well, our country is flooded...we will do somwething about it" noooooo! The U.N. is throwing aid at your hands, and all they seem to be doing is throwing it back at them. Its not like they want the name in helping them, they just want to prevent more dead lives than is necessary, is that ok or not? The Government approval is all in the way of this, and for something they cant help prevent on their own. If you dont have enough transportation and you dont have enough supplies, let people help your people, not you!
Hellen P4
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