Massachusetts and California are the only two states that currently allow gay marriages. (As opposed to civil unions, which some other states allow.) As you can see in the photo there was a lot of celebration among the California proponents of gay marriage. This story is far from over however, as those opposed to the ruling can use California's constitution to try to undo the Court's ruling. Read the following for details. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2004415750_apgaymarriage.html
when i heard that california (for now) legalized gay marriage, i was in shock. not the bad kind of shock, mind you. i was quite pleased with it. i think it's fantastic that this happened, and in a state that i find could be fairly influential to the rest of the US. i think that if the vote passes (in november i think i read?), there is a possibility of its effects rubbing off to other states. i mean, that's just my way of thinking, since everyone likes california. but anyways, as i think you can tell, i'm in support of gay marriage. i mean, i don't really understand what the big deal is. people should be free to have someone to call their wife or husband if they so wish, despite whether or not they fell in love with the "right" sex. it just really chaps my hide, you know? in my opinion it's clearly a violation of peoples freedom, but the government continues to deny these rights to those who want it most.
I believe that people shouldnt care what other people are doing with their lives. If they want to be gay and be married to someone they love then how does that in any way affect you. Anyways the votes looked like half the state was for it and the other half against. I also read that people who were against the vote for gay marriage would have to campaign harder then the people who are for it. I think this is a big step for California and I hope that it says legally allowing gay marriages because then maybe more states would allow it.
in my opion i believe that people should be able to show their affection for someone evenn if it s a partner of the same sex. i dont think its bad. but california is making a big move doing this simply because they are a big state andi think more states will follow. it said that the vote was pretty much half and half for and against it said that the people who were against it had to compaign more to try and grt the vote overturned and i guess they didnt. i think the decision is goodand will let people be free about their feelings and how they feel about another person. if you want to spend your life with him then you should be able to no matter what sex
kyle ehlers
I think people should be allowed to show their affection for any other person they would like as long as they don't affect anyone elses rights while doing this. Human rights is the principle most people believe is being violated and it is true that people should be able to show affection for the same sex just like people can show affection for the opposite sex. Where the line should be drawn is boasting about "gay" affection or marriage and that they should do it because that is what they want, and not to try to bring other people into doing it also. California is a big state and has a very large population but it was pretty close of those in favor and those against gay marriage. Whether other states follow this lead will depend on what the people of each state believe is right to them by law, religion, morals or love. I just hope this subject of "gay marriage" stays as a matter of people loving each other, and not people trying to attract attention or to fit in. -Tucker Rockwell
i dont beleive in gay marriage.. i think that there are too many people in the country who would take advantage of it and say theyre gay when theyre not. if theyre going to make gay marriage legal.. it should be a law for the whole country.. not state by state. i think a man and a woman are meant to be together.. not a man and another man.. or a woman and another woman. the world should be a dont ask dont tell policy just like the army because there is too much prejudice in the world. kelly macdonald p.5
Wow, this is amajor change. Me personally I do not beleive in gay marriage, but it definetely does not mean I hate gay people, I have tons of friends that are. But I would have to say that California ammending the law for gay marriage is something that happened and something for a purpose thatI beleive is right. HUman rights, the constitution ammendment 14, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, and property, nor deny to any person within its jurisdcition the equal protection of the laws. This is in our U.S. constitution of what every citizen should recieve. Two in which will be a major problem if gay marriages occur which is protection of the laws, and if denied the law, being deprived of life and the decisions that one gets to make in them. Being gay to some, is a way of life, and to some is somewhat of a demonic spirit in someone. ANd being gay is making the decision on your own, you get to decide what you are and what you want to do. I beleive this is something completely different than abortion which is what im going to compare. Abortions as we know, are legal in the US which is somthing i completely disagree with, becasue not only are you making a decsision for yourself, but for another life as well. You decide if you wasn tto kill soehting within you for a decsion you made, unlike gay marriage whicis only you life, and the decision you get to make of being gay and living gay. I beleive everyone deserves the right to show affection for who they love, if gay or not. But the decision in the end I guess comes down to a state by state vote, which starts in cali. People are going to vote off of what they beleive, and what they set their morals at for their families, and for their churches, etc....
The only thing I beleive gay marriage will bring as said if accepted is "great public harm and mischief" which is known that we should all recieve equal protection of laws, which is something that will not occur if gay marriage is allowed. A major problem will be anger brought to gays, and more proection needed for them, something that needs to happen if it is permited.
Hellen p4
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