Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Gaza crisis: a crossroads for Obama
Gaza crisis: a crossroads for Obama csmonitor.com
For some good background on this issue, here are some helpful resources:
Gaza: Why Israel and Hamas are trading rocket fire
Ezra Klein does a nice job on his blog of giving a short simple explanation of how each side finds the other at fault for starting the latest round of violence. Who Started It?
Friday, December 19, 2008
State Competition - Gig Harbor High School
Congrats to Gig Harbor students and their great teacher, Ken Brown!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
12 things to throw at Bush / A shoe? Not bad. But surely we can do better
12 things to throw at Bush / A shoe? Not bad. But surely we can do better
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Electoral College Has Spoken!
Well, not exactly. The votes are not counted until January 6th, 2009 after the new Congress is sworn in, and the ballots are counted that body. However, apparently according to this story, the AP has confirmed that the Electors actually voted for the candidates they pledged to vote for.
I'm really hoping that a 28th Amendment will be added to the Constitution soon, to get rid of this relic of the 18th century.
And by the way: Turnout in presidential elections hits high
61.6 percent of eligible voters cast ballots, the highest rate since 1968
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Bush Visits Iraq, Iraqi Journalist Throws Shoes at Him
According to CNN:
The shoe-thrower -- identified as Muntadhar al-Zaidi, an Iraqi journalist with Egypt-based al-Baghdadia television network -- could be heard yelling in Arabic: "This is a farewell ... you dog!"
While pinned on the ground by security personnel, he screamed: "You killed the Iraqis!"
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
From The Onion: Should the Government Stop Dumping Money Into a Giant Hole
In The Know: Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Some Relevant Current Events

Here are some news stories I collected that I thought were relevant to issues of the Presidency, political parties, Congress, the rights of a defendant (who is accused of being a terrorist) being held at Guantanamo, and federal/state relationships.
And oh, by the way, they are saying that we are officially in a recession. As if we couldn't tell....
PHILADELPHIA — With the economic crisis tearing holes in most state budgets, President-elect Barack Obama promised the nation’s governors on Tuesday that he would come to their aid with an ambitious program to build or repair roads, bridges, schools and other public projects.
Summoning state executives from across the country here, Mr. Obama sought to forge a bipartisan approach to the nation’s economic problems. He was met with pleas for a rapid infusion of federal money to create jobs, help those without health coverage and balance recession-ripped budgets.
Washington - A major battle is brewing in federal court here over the well-established legal requirement that the government must turn over any exculpatory evidence it has uncovered to an accused criminal it is seeking to imprison.
But what if that person is a suspected terrorist being held as an enemy combatant at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba?
That's the issue before US District Judge Emmet Sullivan, who is presiding over a high-stakes legal dispute involving allegations that US intelligence agents secretly sent a man to Morocco for 18 months of torture before transferring him to prisons in Afghanistan and then Guantánamo.
Obama’s team of stars: Can he manage it?
Some inner-circle conflict can be of help to a president, but building a sense of teamwork will be key.
President-elect Barack Obama has earned accolades from Democrats and Republicans alike for the high-powered national security and economic teams he has unveiled.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Choice for U.N. Backs Strong Action Against Mass Killings - NYTimes.com
Along with nominating Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State, General Jim Jones for National Security Advisor and retaining Bush's Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, Obama will make Susan E. Rice a high profile appointee today.
And I think it is great news. According to the NYTimes:
To reinforce his intention to work more closely with the United Nations after the tensions of President Bush’s tenure, Mr. Obama plans to restore the ambassador’s post to cabinet rank, as it was under President Bill Clinton, according to Democrats close to the transition.I'll try to post more on this after the announcement this morning.
While the cabinet consists of 15 department heads, a president can give other positions the same rank for the duration of his administration.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Rush to Enact a Safety Rule Obama Opposes - NYTimes.com
Rush to Enact a Safety Rule Obama Opposes - NYTimes.com
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Revolution in Thailand?
Thai army chief urges government to resign
Fears of military intervention rise as protesters continue airport blockade
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Another Way the Economic Crisis Will Affect You!
That is bad news for all of us. For example:
20% cuts may be ahead for state colleges, universities as bottom falls out of budget Seattle Times Newspaper:
"The University of Washington and other institutions are trying to figure
out ways to plug a yawning budget gap. Officials at several universities are
already talking about raising tuition by 10 to 15 percent next year — perhaps
$1,000 per student. That would require lawmakers to lift the current limit on
schools of 7 percent in tuition increases annually."
Torturing Democracy
A recent documentary called Torturing Democracy recalls all of this and I highly recommend viewing it. It is an important reminder about why respect for the rule of law is so important.
While it has been aired on PBS stations, the entire film can be viewed on-line. Below is a clip describing the technique known as waterboarding, that Bush Administration officials have refused to categorize as "torture".
5 Detainees Ordered Released From Guantanamo : NPR
5 Detainees Ordered Released From Guantanamo : NPR
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Obama Administration Taking Shape
Also, it appears that the Governor of Arizona, Janet Napolitano, will be chosen as the head of Homeland Security. Governor of Arizona Is in Line for Cabinet
HillaryWatch: It is being reported this morning that Hillary Clinton has chosen to accept the position of Secretary of State in the Obama Administration.
Clinton Is Said to Accept Secretary of State Position - By PETER BAKER and HELENE COOPER
Two confidants said Hillary Rodham Clinton would give up her Senate seat and accept the nomination for secretary of state after talks with the president-elect.
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow took a look at what sort of drama will or will not be a part of Barack and Hillary working together.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Hate is Still Out There
Cross burnings. Schoolchildren chanting "Assassinate Obama." Black figures hung from nooses. Racial epithets scrawled on homes and cars.
Incidents around the country referring to President-elect Barack Obama are dampening the postelection glow of racial progress and harmony, highlighting the stubborn racism that remains in America.
From California to Maine, police have documented a range of alleged crimes...
The YouTube Presidency | 44 | washingtonpost.com
Today, President-elect Obama will record the weekly Democratic address not just on radio but also on video -- a first. The address, typically four minutes long, will be turned into a YouTube video and posted on Obama's transition site, Change.gov, once the radio address is made public on Saturday morning.
Fight. For you Right. To Ma-rry! (With apologies to the Beasie Boys)
A revolt against constitutional bans on gay marriage is being led by young people using texts and Web sites to quickly assemble.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Can He Do It?
A president-elect has a lot to do: 1) put together a good, quality administration of advisors, 2) decide what problems to attack first; 3) Decide how hard to push on campaign promises considering we are in an economic mess; 4) and oh yeah, figure out what kind of puppy to get.
Obama positioned to reverse Bush
Justin Sullivan / Getty Images file
Advisers to President-elect Barack Obama have compiled a list of about 200 Bush administration actions and executive orders that could be swiftly undone. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/08/AR2008110801856.html?hpid=topnews
Obama launches Web site to reach public - http://www.cnn.com/2008/TECH/11/10/obama.wired/index.html
Shutting Guantanamo a Priority
Obama administration to review classified files of detainees as part of intensive effort to close prison.
Can He Do It? Campaign's Visions Will Evolve As Obama Shifts to Governing - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/08/AR2008110800224.html?hpid=topnews
This is an older article, but I think a lot of you (especially units 1 and 6) can make use of this info on political and civic involvement by citizens: Why volunteerism has reached historic high in US - http://www.csmonitor.com/2007/0130/p01s04-ussc.html The uptick in serving – 29 percent of Americans did in 2005 – is being driven by older teens, baby boomers, and seniors.
Secret order allows U.S. raids abroad - http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2008371562_terror10.html The U.S. military since 2004 has used broad secret authority to carry out nearly a dozen previously undisclosed attacks against al-Qaida...
Unit 5 should especially check this out - Monday, November 03, 2008 - The Court and ‘Fleeting Expletives’ - Editorial - NYTimes.com
The Court and ‘Fleeting Expletives’ - Editorial - NYTimes.com
Is divided government preferable to one-party rule? Units 3 and 4 are taking a pretty close look at this in their speeches, and here is an op-ed piece by a skeptic of the Democrats being in control.
Will Obama’s Congress Be Too Friendly? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/10/opinion/10ehrenhalt.html?th&emc=th
Meanwhile, one of my favorite liberal columnists, Paul Krugman, ponders whether Obama will transform our American government in response to the financial crisis the way FDR did with the New Deal. Franklin Delano Obama? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/10/opinion/10krugman.html?th&emc=th
Finally, former Nobel Peace Prize winner, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, who worked non-violently to end apartheid, discussed what he thinks Obama's election means to the world.
The Man of Tomorrow -- His election has turned America's global image on its head. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/07/AR2008110702896.html
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Commentary on Legal Issues, Elections, and Madison
Are Different Abortion Methods Morally Distinguishable? The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit Hears Richmond Med. Center v. Herring
Eight Years After Bush v. Gore, Why is There Still So Much Election Litigation and What Does This Mean for Voter Confidence in the Electoral Process?
A Short List of Human Rights Reforms for the Next President
The Evidence Establishes, without Question, that Republican Rule Is Dangerous: Why It Is High Time to Fix This Situation, For the Good of the Nation
Reflections on Historian Mary Hershberger's Piece on McCain's War Record, and a Q&A with the Author
The Rise and Fall of John McCain, As Explained By the Principles the Framers of the Constitution Embraced
The Fourth Amendment, Once Removed: The Supreme Court Examines a New Search and Seizure Loophole
Remembering Cooper v. Aaron, the Supreme Court Case That Sent the Message that Brown's Promise of Desegregation Must Be Kept
The Financial Crisis from the Viewpoint of a Constitutional Scholar: How Today's Debacle Recalls James Madison's Nightmare at the Founding that None Would Have the Virtue to Lead
The Rationality of Spite: Why the Bailouts Do, And Should, Make People Angry
A Landmark Torture Trial
Monday, November 03, 2008
Nate Silver: What to Watch For on Election Night | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com
Nate Silver: What to Watch For on Election Night Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 Newsweek.com
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Election Reflection

Immigrants the new face of 'real America' - Gebe Martinez - Politico.com
Coverage of "Race and the Election" has interesting stories from MSNBC looking at how this election (and a possible Obama victory) could impact the issue of race in America.
Who is still undecided, and why, after all the election coverage are they still undecided? The New York Times takes a look in:
The Undecided Few, Perplexed or Indifferent - NYTimes.com
How are the groups attending McCain rallies different from those attending Obama rallies?
At Rallies of Faithful, Contrasts in Red and Blue - NYTimes.com
Should ministers have the freedom to encourage their parishioners to vote for one candidate or another? Is it protected by freedom of expression, or should such ministers have their tax-exept status taken away? NPR looked at the issue:
Political Endorsement From The Pulpit : NPR
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Obama's Candidacy Angers, Excites Hate Groups : NPR
In 2008.
I don't get it.
There was also a kid at a gun show that shot himself this past week, and singer/actress Jennifer Hudson had four family members killed by gunmen in Chicago. It makes you wonder about gun controal and the Second Amendment.
The First Amendment protects even stupid and hateful expression up until the point a crime is commited. When these people are arrested, they must still be given due process rights. And, of course, as a part of the police power of government, we need to prevent murders.
The secret service did a good job on this and other threats Obama has faced. It does bring up the issue of whether the hate groups out there are benefiting from Obama's success. You can read or listen to a fascinating story by NPR at:
Obama's Candidacy Angers, Excites Hate Groups : NPR
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Is it time to scrap the Electoral College? - Decision '08- msnbc.com
I would love to have us change to a system of popular vote for the President, and I'm shocked that it didn't happen after the 2000 election. If the popular vote determined the presidency, Al Gore would have been the President, receiving over a 1/2 million votes than George W. Bush.
Unfortunately, there are many interests in the nation that benefit from the Electoral College: small states, rural voters, and the Republican Party.
The biggest problem, in my opinion, is that presidential elections only happen every four years, and people forget about the issue as more urgent matters deserve the government's attention. But, taking a chance on a someone becoming president that doesn't have the support of a majority of the voters is a big problem.
I wish there were more pressure on our government to change the Electoral College.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Justices’ Ruling on Guns Faces Attacks, From the Right
Justices’ Ruling on Guns Faces Attacks, From the Right - NYTimes.com
Muslims Are Americans Too

Thank you General Powell, for reminding not only your party, but all of America, what this country is all about.
THE DAILY BANTER.COM: Muslims Are Americans Too: "As Colin Powell poignantly pointed out, Arab Muslims have served America just like every other racial, religious and ethnic minority. It is a crying shame anyone needs to point this out."
This is a 7 minute clip from Meet the Press. He addresses the "Muslims are Americans" issue somewhere after the half-way point.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Shame on University of Texas!
Something is seriously wrong in Texas!
Texas students punished for Obama signs
University says it has a policy against political signs in dorm windows
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Why Habeas Corpus is so important
So now, after last year's Boumediene v. Bush decision, they had the right to make a habeas corpus appeal to a U.S. judge, and the judge ordered them to be released.
Unfortunately for these folks, the Justice Department wants a "stay" in the ruling (keeping them imprisoned) in a separation of powers argument. They say the judicial branch doesn't have the authority to tell the government to settle these 17 people in the United States.
Check it out:
Federal Judge Orders Release of Chinese Muslims
Monday, October 06, 2008
The Supreme Court is Now in Session!

High court refuses to hear racial profiling case csmonitor.com
The US Supreme Court has declined to hear the case of a man who was kicked off an American Airlines jetliner in Boston because a flight attendant thought he looked like a Middle Eastern terrorist.
This doesn't seem right to me. The guy was clearly treated very badly by the airline, and won his case, only to have it overturned by the U.S. Court of Appeals.
High court case: If harassed workers talk, can they be fired?
A Tennessee woman lost her job after she cooperated in a company investigation.
Let me be clear - I'm against the death penalty, and I am not in favor of this man being executed. However, I can certainly see why the Court refused to hear this case. It seems like a real stretch to say that one's fair trial rights were violated because of a bible reading in the jury deliberation room. Maybe there are some details I'm missing here, but it sounds like they were standing on pretty shakey legal ground when the defendant filed this suit.
Supreme Court lets stand death sentence after Bible reading
A death-row inmate claimed the jury foreman violated his fair-trial rights by reading out loud from Romans.
Finally, from a few days ago, the Court refused to reconsider a controversial ruling from last term:
Court Won't Reconsider Ban on Execution for Child Rape
The Supreme Court yesterday declined to revisit its June decision that imposing the death penalty on child-rapists is unconstitutional, although two justices said they would have reopened the case and two others sharply criticized the majority.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Justices Return to Work, With Less Meaty Docket - NYTimes.com
Read about what cases are on on the court's docket here:
Justices Return to Work, With Less Meaty Docket - NYTimes.com
Friday, October 03, 2008
FactChecking Biden-Palin Debate
FactCheck.org: FactChecking Biden-Palin Debate
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Will the Media Please Tell Me What to Think About the Debate I Watched Last Night?

a common belief in presidential politics: That many viewers base their judgment not necessarily on debate performance but on what they read and see in the days
So, hopefully lots of people will think for themselves, and not let the pundits or the campaigns do it for them.
However, if you are a political junkie like me, you know that how people perceived the debate will some effect on the outcome of the race, so I've been watching the analysis appearing in the media closely.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Debate Time!

Let's see how it turns out...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
U.S. Abortion Rate at 30-Year Low
U.S. Abortion Rate at 30-Year Low - US News and World Report
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Did Palin support 'Bridge to Nowhere?' - CNN.com
Yeah, she pretty much did.
Did she tell Congress, "Thanks, but no thanks" as she said in her acceptance speech?
Not really. She kept repeating the story though.
Look hard America, and remember what Thomas Jefferson once said, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free . . . it expects what never was and never will be."
Initiative 1000 would let patients get help ending their lives | Seattle Times Newspaper
It is also an excellent case study in conflicting constitutional values. Does a limited government have the right to tell a terminally ill person how they should or should not end their lives? Should inidivdual rights win out over concerns about promoting a "culture of life" and preventing possible abuses of the law by greedy relatives that stand to inherit money? Or is opposing this law what would further the common good?
The Seattle Times did an excellent job of reporting on this initiative in their Sunday paper. Check it out.
Initiative 1000 would let patients get help ending their lives Seattle Times Newspaper
Monday, September 22, 2008
Taxpayers may spend $1 trillion in bailout
The plan proposed by President Bush and backed by many in Congress will give the Treasury Department the authority to spend something in the neighborhood of $700 billion dollars to buy up crappy investments and loans from Wall Street companies that are on the brink of collapse. Basically, these investment companies screwed up, and now the government (and the taxpayers!) are being asked to bail them out. The bad investments made by private individuals and corporations will then be owned by the U.S. government. (That is all of us!)
Why would we do such a thing?
Well, the warnings from D.C. are that the effects of all these companies failing would greatly damage the entire economy, especially the ability to get credit and loans. This would lead to a stronger recession, less jobs, and hurt the nation as a whole. Basically, they say they are acting to promote the common welfare to prevent an economic collapse.
The government has intervened in the economy before, especially during the Great Depression and during the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980's. (Remember FDR's bank holiday, and the creation of the National Recovery Agency?)
The problem is that this will be very expensive and no one is really sure how it will work out. It might save us from economic disaster or it could wind up fueling inflation and creating an even larger debt so that the things the Presidential candidates are promising to do might not happen. There will be a lot less money for the government to spend, if this plan is approved by Congress.
And there are fundamental Constitutional questions as well. Should Congress give this much power to the Treasury Department (Executive Branch)? Is this something the Framers of our Constitution would have envisioned the federal government doing? Both left-wing and right-wing commentators have criticized this plan over some of these questions.
Here is a video and some articles you may find helpful:
Taxpayers may spend $1 trillion in bailout - Seattle Times Newspaper
Depressingly familiar: Uncle Sam to the rescue
The stock market plummets, investors pull out money and loans dry up, triggering global financial turmoil. Enter the government, buying...
Policymakers: Congress Must Move Quickly to Avert Damage
Lawmakers Remain Deeply Skeptical of Financial Rescue Plan
Criticism and controversy:
Treasury chief Paulson on verge of historic new powers
The administration's bailout plan would make him temporary overseer of the US financial system.
Cash for Trash - by Paul Krugman
Some skeptics are calling Henry Paulson’s $700 billion rescue plan for the U.S. financial system “cash for trash.” Everyone agrees that something major must be done. But Mr. Paulson is demanding extraordinary power for himself — and for his successor — to deploy taxpayers’ money on behalf of a plan that, as far as I can see, doesn’t make sense.
Senator Chris Dodd: “After reading this proposal, I can only conclude that it is not only our economy that is at risk, Mr. Secretary, but our Constitution, as well.”
Conservatives: 'Take a breath' before passing bailout - CNN
Bailout could boost inflation, sink dollar
Oil and gold surged Monday as investors worried that huge new debts will harm US Treasury's credit standing.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Gregoire, Rossi far apart on social issues | Seattle Times Newspaper
Gregoire, Rossi far apart on social issues Seattle Times Newspaper
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Palin’s Start in Alaska - Not Politics as Usual - NYTimes.com
Assessing Palin's Reformist Record - From NPR: · Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin begins her vice presidential campaign as a self-proclaimed reformer. But as a mayor and as
governor, she defended the pork brought home by Alaska's congressional delegation, and even hired a lobbyist to get more. - Listen to this report - it shows how misleading parts of her speech were.
Palin’s Start in Alaska - Not Politics as Usual - NYTimes.com
Mayor Palin: A Rough Record
And Then There Was One - Thomas Friedman
Palin E-Mails Show Intense Interest in Trooper's Penalty
Monday, August 25, 2008
Summer Vacation Almost Over!

I had my first day back at work today!
IMPORTANT QUESTION: How many of you are still willing and able to meet on August 28th? I was thinking about late morning, about 10:30 am in my classroom, but only if enough people can make it.
I think it would be great for us to re-connect before the school year starts, so we can get off to a good start, but it wouldn't be worth it if only a few people can show up. Maybe Tuesday, September 2nd, the day before school starts would work better for people.
So, please rsvp as soon as possible. If you have a friend taking the class that doesn't check e-mail regularly, please call them and ask them to get back to me.
I'm really tired tonight, but maybe I'll try to make a few phone calls tomorrow to see what is up with folks.
Other reminders:
ALSO - Read as much of the new textbook as you can. We will go through it about one lesson per night during the school year, so if you can read some of it before hand, I think that will make it easier for during the school year.
OH YEAH! --- About a month ago I tried to make up competition groups. I worked pretty hard on it, but wasn't happy with the results. I think I can do a much better job once I know who is definately in the class and get some more info from some of the students I didn't have in the 11th Grade class. I hope this works for all of you.
OH YEAH!!!!! - The Democratic National Convention is this week. The Republican National Convention is next week. Michelle Obama gave a really touching speech about Barack, her family, and the country tonight. (At least in my opinion, but I'm kinda partial to the Obamas! ) Check it out on a TV replay or on the net if you didn't get a chance to see it. Her big brother Craig, the Men's Basketball Coach at University of Oregon, gave her an introduction and the little girls were on the stage after the speech. They are very cute and sweet little kids. John McCain is going to be on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight.
I hate for summer to be over, but I can't wait to start working with my 12th Grade WTP class!!!!
BTW, people can leave messages on my school phone if e-mail doesn't work for them.
PASTA la vista,
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Big Chill Over Georgia
News Analysis - No Cold War, but Big Chill Over Georgia - News Analysis - NYTimes.com
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Friday, August 01, 2008
Washington Supreme Court says privacy trumps identifying teacher in cases of unsubstantiated sexual misconduct | Seattle Times Newspaper
As a teacher, this makes me breathe a little easier. We teachers all live with a fear that someday a false accusation could end our teaching career - an occupational hazard of the modern day. I think it is a good and reasonable decision. To reverse this decision would raise havoc in our schools - students would know they could ruin a teacher by simply lying about his or her behavior.
I understand the argument on the other side, and I'm sure if I or a love one had been abused, I would want no stone unturned in prosecuting the criminal. However, I think if people looked objectively at the potential consequences they would understand why a majority of our State Supreme Court ruled in favor of protecting the identities of the accused.
Washington Supreme Court says privacy trumps identifying teacher in cases of unsubstantiated sexual misconduct Seattle Times Newspaper
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
President Bush signs massive housing bill - Mortgage Mess- msnbc.com
President Bush signs massive housing bill - Mortgage Mess- msnbc.com
FACTBOX: Key provisions of U.S. housing rescue bill
Powerful Senator Faces Criminal Charges

Friend's gifts could be Stevens' downfall Seattle Times Newspaper
Senate legend laid low by ethics scandal
Monday, July 21, 2008
Gore Dreams Big

Nobody believed we could put a man on the moon by the end of the decade when J.F.K. issued his challenge in the early 1960's, but it was done. People thought F.D.R. was not serious when he set production goals for Americans to reach at the beginning of our involvement in World War II, but we not only met those goals, but surpassed them. That is why I believe Hebert is on track with his assessment:
"The naysayers will tell you that once again Al Gore is dreaming, that the costs of his visionary energy challenge are too high, the technological obstacles too tough, the timeline too short and the political lift much too heavy.
But that’s the thing about visionaries. They don’t imagine what’s easy. They imagine the benefits to be reaped once all the obstacles The naysayers will tell you that once again Al Gore is dreaming, that the costs of his visionary energy challenge are too high, the technological obstacles too tough, the timeline too short and the political lift much too heavy. But that’s the thing about visionaries. They don’t imagine what’s easy. They imagine the benefits to be reaped once all the obstacles are overcome.
are overcome."
You can read the rest here: Op-Ed Columnist - Yes We Can - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Timeline for Withdrawal in Iraq?
It has been difficult for Bush to maintain opposition to a timeline, since Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki called for one a couple of weeks ago.
This represents a compromise, and I might add, a compromise in the right direction. Our government needs to remember that we owe the Iraqi people a lot of things, and one of them, is being polite enough to leave when they ask us to.
Bush, in a Shift, Accepts Concept of Iraq Timeline - NYTimes.com
Thursday, July 17, 2008
A Tragedy in Seattle
It seems though, that in the end, the man accused of the crime has done the right thing and turned himself in, because family and community stepped in to help solve a problem that could have been much uglier.
Original Story: Fatal attack at traffic circle
From today's newspaper:
Community members help broker murder suspect's surrender at Seattle church Seattle Times Newspaper
Pot raid angers medical-marijuana supporter | Seattle Times Newspaper
Pot raid angers medical-marijuana supporter Seattle Times Newspaper
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Is McCain Conservative Enough for Republicans?
However, he reached back over a century in a recent interview with the New York Times. He chose Teddy Roosevelt as his model. This doesn't make sense to me since TR considered himself a progressive, and ran for president in 1912 as a member of the Progressive (Bull Moose) Party. But the part of the storythat bothered me the most was:
"he declined to take a specific position when asked whether only evolution should be taught in public schools."
He can't take a position because he is running in a party where a lot of the base simply rejects science. I don't understand these folks. They live in the 21st century, use the products of science and technology everyday, but don't like the idea of a president who accepts the best wisdom the scientific community has to give us.
Please vote Obama.
The story as well as a recording of the 45 minute interview can be found at:
McCain’s Conservative Model? Roosevelt (Theodore, That Is) - NYTimes.com
Monday, July 14, 2008
Obama's Plan for Iraq
Op-Ed Contributor - My Plan for Iraq - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Important Supreme Court Decisions, 2007-2008 - NYTimes.com
Important Supreme Court Decisions, 2007-2008 - NYTimes.com
On Court That Defied Labeling, Kennedy Made the Boldest Mark
Friday, July 04, 2008
Fourth of July!

Where is the original copy of the Delaration of Independence? That question isn't so easy to answer as described by Ted Widmer, director of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University in a column from today's New York Times - Looking for Liberty.
by: Michael Winship, t r u t h o u t Perspective
by: Wm. Scott Harrop and R.K. Ramazani, t r u t h o u t Perspective
Thursday, July 03, 2008
The Call to Service
Obama: Can We Get a Little Service Here? - The Caucus - Politics - New York Times Blog
Death initiative petitions filed
Death initiative petitions filed Seattle Times Newspaper
From the article, the following information was presented:
There are two major groups on opposing sides of the issue:Modeled on Oregon's current law
*Would allow mentally competent adult residents of Washington to request and receive a prescription for a lethal dose of medication, provided that they have been diagnosed with a condition that is expected to kill them within six months.
*The request must be confirmed by two independent witnesses, a second doctor must confirm the original diagnosis, and the patient must be determined to be free from any mental condition impairing his judgment. The patient must make two requests separated in time by at least 15 days.
*Would not allow patients to sign away the decision to anyone else in the event they were to become mentally incompetent, or to give permission to anyone else to administer the medication if they became unable to do so. In short, they must make the request and take the lethal medicine themselves. Any doctor or health-care organization can opt out of providing the services.
*Law would specifically say: "Actions taken in accordance with this act do not, for any purpose, constitute suicide, assisted suicide, mercy killing, or homicide, under the law."
Yes on 1000: http://www.yeson1000.org/
Coalition Against Assisted Suicide: noassistedsuicide.com
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Obama Comes Out in Favor of Expanded Role for Faith-Based Groups
Obama Seeks Bigger Role for Religious Groups - NYTimes.com
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Landmark Ruling Enshrines Right to Own Guns - NYTimes.com
UPDATE: Jerry Large of the Seattle times has a well-written commentary in today's paper that criticizes the Court's decsion on practical, policy decisions, and a belief that the Constitution was meant to be interpreted in light of changing times and conditions. Check it out here.
Original Post: Not to my suprise, the U.S. Supreme Court, by a narrow majority, declared that the 2nd Amendment protects the right of individuals to own guns for self-defense and recreation. This came about in striking down a Washington D.C. ban on handguns.
The majority opinion in the case, written by Antonin Scalia, does leave a lot of room for "reasonable" restrictions on weapons however, and there is certain to be a lot of litigation in this area in the months and years to come.
Landmark Ruling Enshrines Right to Own Guns - NYTimes.com
UPDATE: Jerry Large of the Seattle times has a well-written commentary in today's paper that criticizes the Court's decsion on practical, policy decisions, and a belief that the Constitution was meant to be interpreted in light of changing times and conditions. Check it out here.
How Lies Live and Grow in the Brain - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com
Why do people believe this mis-information. Are they just stupid? A couple of psychologists offer an alternative explanation in a column that has attracted a lot of attention. Check it out.
Op-Ed Contributor - How Lies Live and Grow in the Brain - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Gay Marriages in California and other Constitutional News
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., June 16 -- She said, "I do," and she said, "Absolutely." More...
Groups Push to Restore Voting Rights of Virginia FelonsThe Washington PostJune 17, 2008
RICHMOND -- Civic and social organizations are teaming with Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine to try to add thousands of nonviolent offenders to the voting rolls in time for the November election, a move that has angered Republicans who say the effort is designed to help Democratic Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign. More...
Suit Claims Maryland State Police Surveilled Peace ActivistsThe Baltimore Sun, MarylandJune 13, 2008
Jun. 13--The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland is suing the Maryland State Police to get records it believes may show local authorities aided the federal government in spying on peace activists during several annual protests outside the National Security Agency. More...
Bush Administration to Propose Greater Access for DisabledThe Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star, Norfolk, VAJune 16, 2008
By Robert Pear More...
Noose-Hanging Teen Gets Rare PunishmentUnited Press InternationalJune 6, 2008
OVIEDO, Fla., Jun 5, 2008 (UPI via COMTEX) -- A Florida teen found guilty of putting a noose on a black family's property received an unusual sentence requiring him to attend class and study history. More...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
NRA's political clout is waning - Los Angeles Times
Read on and see what you think:
NRA's political clout is waning - Los Angeles Times
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Bush Administration P'wned by Supreme Court
Bush tried to do this through an executive order earlier in his presidency, but the Court smacked down his plan. Republicans in Congress figured that if the action was sanctioned by an act of Congress, the Court would not see it as giving too much power to the executive branch.
Except for one really important thing.
It still violates the bedrock principles of due process enshrined in our Constitution and that we profess to believe in as a nation. If someone is guilty, we have to have enough faith in our justice system that the truth will prevail. Why not let them make a habeas corpus petition to U.S. Courts? It doesn't mean they are going to be set free. It just means there must be charges and enough evidence to warrant holding a prisoner.
A quote from the majority opinion of the Court written by Justice Anthony Kennedy: "Security depends upon a sophisticated intelligence apparatus and the ability of our Armed Forces to act and to interdict....Security subsists, too, in fidelity to freedom's first principles."
Read more about it:
Guantánamo detainees win right to court review csmonitor.com
Justices Rule Terror Suspects Can Appeal in Civilian Courts
The Republic on a Knife's Edge
Update - 6/14/08
Lots more commentary on the case, known as Boumediene v. Bush, has been appearing all over. Here is some:
A Blow Against Tyranny
Guantanamo detainees have constitutional rights, Supreme Court says
Early Reaction to Boumediene. by legal scholar Marty Lederman
A Victory for the Rule of the Law by Eugene Robinson
Why This Court Keeps Rebuking This President - New York Times
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Hillary Endorses Barack
Will her supporters get behind Obama? Should he choose her as his candidate for V.P.? Would they be a "dream ticket" or is there too much bad blood and "drama" that would go along with an Obama-Clinton (and Bill Clinton) ticket? Does he need a new, fresh face to go along with his theme of change? All of the political junkies out there are asking these questions.
Local News | Hundreds of new laws take effect in Washington state | Seattle Times Newspaper
Friday, June 06, 2008
Zimbabwe Leader Has Become Petty Dictator

Thursday, June 05, 2008
Comment on the Presidential Race
Racism and sexism have been some of the ugliest parts of our shared history, and having a woman and an African-American come this close to the highest office in the land (and probably the most powerful position in the world) is astonishing. The Constitution written by the founding generation would not have allowed Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to even vote, much less run so successfully for public office.
As someone who has devoted a good part of my life to trying to understand our history and its meaning, it was all too clear, to paraphrase Galileo, that these two candidates were standing on the shoulders of giants. The spirits of Abigail Adams, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Abraham Lincoln, Booker T. Washington, Susan B. Anthony, W.E.B. DuBois, Alice Paul, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Bobby Kennedy and so many others are smiling down on our nation right now. So many Americans have been a part of the struggle to fulfill the belief, penned by Jefferson in 1776, that we are all created equal. Our nation was founded upon this ideal over 230 years ago, and for so long, we have struggled to live up to it. So much has happened so quickly in this presidential race that I don't think we have really absorbed the significance of the events that have come to pass in the last year and a half.
There has been a lot of commentary out there about where this campaign will go from here, but not nearly enough time taken to really meditate on how we have gotten here.
Of course, there have been some very thoughtful comments, discussions, and analyses of what we have seen come to pass - have you read or heard any? Have you had conversations or insights from friends, parents, or relatives? Perhaps some original thoughts of your own?
Please share them with us.
Right now I'm going to read Seeing Bobby Kennedy in Barack Obama.
Hung Jury in Jewish Federation Trial

World welcomes Obama win

Read on at : Nation & World World welcomes Obama win Seattle Times Newspaper:
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Bill to Cut Carbon Emissions Debated in the Senate
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
It's Obama!

As I was watching, Hillary and then Barack speak, there were many thoughts and words that I wanted to write; about this being a milestone in American democracy. I was really proud of our country, that centuries of gender and race bias were overcome to allow both of these amazing people reach new hights of leadership. But, alas, now after dinner, discussion, and watching a lot more CNN than I really needed to, I'm too exhausted to write profoundly. Maybe I'll add to this post tomorrow when I've got more energy. (Of course, I'll be in staff meetings most of the day, and those things usually have the effect of crushing my will to live.)
In the meanwhile, you can read the NY Times coverage here: Obama Claims Nomination; First Black Candidate to Lead a Major Party Ticket - NYTimes.com
OH YEAH - I missed McCain's speech tonight. Did any of you see it? I got the impression that he may have taken some shots at Obama that the presumtive Democratic nominee that didn't go over so well with Obama supporters. Let me know if you have heard what that was all about.
I'm so psyched that Obama will be the nominee - and, if young people stay involved, the next president of the United States.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Education | The resegregation of Seattle's schools | Seattle Times Newspaper

A big U.S. Supreme Court decision announced this term struck down a desegregation plan the Seattle Public School District had been using. This report in the Seattle Times discusses how Seattle's schools are much less racially balanced than they were decades ago. (It seems to me the Supreme Court ruling is a minor factor right now - it will probably have more impact next school year.) There is some interesting stuff in this article - including how many parents which there was more racial balance in their kids schools.
WA State GOP: No automatic citizenship for kids born in U.S. to illegal immigrants | Seattle Times Newspaper
This was an interesting development over the weekend at the WA State Republican Convention. It looks like they are going to make a big issue of illegal immigration. I don't think most Washingtonians will like the idea of kids being caught up in the middle of the immigration debate - it could make the Republicans look mean-spirited. However, many people may see it the way the Republicans do. Read the article and see what you think.
Outlook for Clinton - It's almost over
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Court Upholds the "Protect Act"
Sunday, May 18, 2008
CA Supreme Court Okays Gay Marriage

Friday, May 09, 2008
Does Obama Have the Nomination Locked Up?

Cyclone Disaster in Burma/Myanmar

Six days after the disaster, relief aid has been delivered to only 220,000 of anRead the full article: 'Nightmare' in Myanmar aid relief
estimated 1.9 million people in need, the Red Cross says.
Also, for background on the military junta that runs Myanmar you can check this out: Fact file: Myanmar's junta.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Burma: Perfect example of why there is more to democracy than just holding elections
The military government in Myanmar (also known as Burma) is holding a referendum on a new constitution in about a month. Only is won't be a fair election. Read here to find out why.
In the meanwhile, it is good that Congress is giving support to Aung San Sui Kyi.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Why Are So Many Americans in Jail?
"The United States has less than 5 percent of the world’s population. But it has almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners."Now, I knew that the incarceration rate in this country is bad, especially for the poor and racial and ethnic minorities, but these statistics did take me by surprise.
Read more and think about due process. Inmate Count in U.S. Dwarfs Other Nations’ Tell me your thoughts.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Hillary Wins Pennsylvania

World Food Crisis on the Horizon?

Yet, as many of us in the developed world overeat, hunger still exists in our world, and it might get a lot worse if we don't act soon. As if this world doesn't have enough problems, the World Food Program is now warning the world of a 'silent tsunami' of hunger.
Like the problem of carbon emissions and global warming, this problem shows that with over 6 billion people on the planet, we have to be smarter and more fair in how we use our resources. Read the article, and think about whether or not basic nutrition is a fundamental human right. Frankin Roosevelt gave a famous speech just prior to WWII in which he said that the "Four Freedoms" worth fighting for were freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear, and freedom from want. In today's news, Prime Minister Gordon Wood of Great Britain said that, "Tackling hunger is a moral challenge to each of us."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Death Penalty Issues at the Supreme Court
They also heard a case that goes to perhaps an even more controversial question: should the death penalty be applied to people convicted of crimes other than murder? Only murderers have received the death sentence in the last several decades, but the case before the court involves a particularly heinous rape of a child that did not result in death.
These involve 8th Amendment and due process issues. Read about them and let me know what you think.