Were the election results in which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected last week rigged? Some Iraqis think so, and they are upset.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Unrest challenges Iran's republic
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Were the election results in which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was re-elected last week rigged? Some Iraqis think so, and they are upset.
This doesnt suprise me at all. Event though the government has been reformed and Saddam was hanged there is no gurentee that the government won't abuse its power. Many powerful leaders have rigged election results to maintain power in history, so why no now? Obviously the people of Iraq have no rights, clearly shown in the picture.
-Conner Spani
extra credit
This picture and the the article can clearly show that this gov't is abusing its power and using brutal force for no reason. All because of a rigged election, iranians that protest against the decision that was made are being beat because of what they believed was right. These people are being deprived of their right in the photo.
Junior jack
Per. 5
I think that it is sad that the people of Iraq cannot protest the government without getting beaten. I think Americans don’t really appreciate the freedom that we have. It is so easy for us to say who we do and don’t like in government and that is because of the first amendment which includes freedom of speech and freedom of press and when you read stories like these you realize what you do have and how much freedom is a privilege.
This is really sad and shows how fortunate our country is to have a democratic government. The first amendment is being violated because they do not get freedom of speech for the election of their president and freedom to assemble is being vioated because they are being tortured for protesting against the new election. It is unfortunate that Iran does not have the same constitutional rights that we have in our country. People of the US should appreciate our privileges and rights that we are granted by our constitution.
sydney codd
extra credit!!!
Pictures speak a thousand words as shown in this picture. Clearly this picture shows that the Iran people still do not have rights and if they do then the government does not respect thier rights enough to allow them to have there rights. This picture shows the governemnt not allowing the people to live their life how they are allowed to live it.And their freedom to protest is being restricken obvioulsy since the pictures show that the people are being beaten by the guards.
i think that the iraq governent is abusing there power. they should not beat people for expressing there opinions. they are violating the first amendment which is freedom of speech because there government is beating the people who express there opinions. this article makes me really appreciate our country because we have the right to express our thoughts.
Spencer Truong
period 5
For a country that supposedly is in support of its people and wants to be respected instead of inspected by the rest of the world they're really making it hard.
The picture shows the innocent look on the mans face right before the cop would have hit him his hands show no threat towards the officer and instead the man is attempting to protect himself.
But none of that seems to persuade the officer to do the otherwise and the two women cowering in the left show that they too are targets for the abuse.
The perks of living in a democracy, there would be consequences to actions as stupid as these.
after reading this article i feel that i am really fortunate to be living in this country. it is not right that they beat people for expressing how they feel about the government. this is unconstitutional because the are clearly violating the the first amendment freedom of speech. iraq's government is abusing there power. i think that it is sad that they do not have the same constitutional rights as us because they are not free to express how they feel.
Scott Watters
Period 3
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